Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 20/30

30 days of practice Dec 03, 2022

Day 20

I'm sitting on the kitchen bench drinking coffee and cooking paneer onion parathas for the family for breakfast. They smell delicious and I'm really enjoying the smell and I won't have...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 19/30

30 days of practice Dec 02, 2022

Is it day 19? I'll have to double check. 

How am I feeling? 

Bloody fantastic!

My energy levels are more consistent. My urges are fewer, my plans are super helpful and I continue to work...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 18/30

30 days of practice Dec 01, 2022

Day 18. Wow! 

I just realised I didn't do my weekly evaluation. 
This is a moment on choice for me. I can be really annoyed at myself or just carry on and make a decision on the weekly...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 17/30

30 days of practice Nov 30, 2022

Day 17, and I didn't start this entry until now which is 11.25am. 
Why was I delayed? Why wasn't it a priority for me? I want it to be my daily priority so I'll be sure to post early each day...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 16/30

30 days of practice Nov 29, 2022

Day 16, my eyes are tired, didn't sleep well last night. There's a stomach bug going around, hope so much I've not got it.
My body is feeling rested. 
I have been doing so much lately and I...

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Tribe News - 28th November 2022

tribie spotlight Nov 28, 2022

Happy Monday Tribies! And happy final check in for the 28 Day Boost !

Are you the version of yourself you planned to be on this final check in? 

Have you surprised yourself? 

Did you...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 15/30

30 days of practice Nov 28, 2022

Day 15 and I'm feeling fabulous. 
My body is sore from so much physical work, my weight is up 1.2kg, my eyes are tired AND I feel amazing. 
I have a confidence that nothing has gone...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 14/30

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2022

OMG I'm exhausted. 
I just spent 2 days digging trenches at my friends farm. The garlic harvest was a big buster, we thing due to the weather this year and the garden bed she planted them...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 13/30

30 days of practice Nov 26, 2022

Day 13 I think. I'll have to double check that one. 

No change on the scale. That's ok as I'm living my base plan.
If you live your base plan you will still lose weight. Your base plan is a plan...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 12/30

30 days of practice Nov 25, 2022

Day 12 - feelings content. 

I was just messaging a friend and went to type "I'm SO busy between now and next year, I've got SO much to get done". As I was typing it I felt a wave of tightness...

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