Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 11/30

30 days of practice Nov 24, 2022

Day 11 the practice continues because this is how I want to live my life. 
-100g today and the whisper was there again "it's so slow". 
Then I asked myself, if I wasn't losing weight and...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 10/30

30 days of practice Nov 23, 2022

Day 10. Dragging my feet today. Still not feeling 100%. 
Not sure what's going on but I'm taking it as easy as I can. 

-100g today. Heard a whisper in my brain say "It should have been...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 9/30

30 days of practice Nov 22, 2022

Day 9

I'm feeling like I've got my rhythm of practice again. Checking in here, using the tools, pausing, listening to my body, eating delicious food that nourishes my body, feeling energetic. ...

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Tribe News - 21st November 2022

tribe news Nov 21, 2022

Happy Monday Tribies! 

It's the final week of our 28 Day Boost
SO many of you have achieved so much already. 
And there's SO much you can achieve in the final week too. 


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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Weekly Evaluation 1

30 days of practice Nov 21, 2022

What worked:

This past week I showed up to my commitment. Even when I didn’t want to I showed up.
I dropped 2.3kg / 5.07lbs. I felt fantastic and full of energy a lot of the time. 

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 8/30

30 days of practice Nov 21, 2022

Day 8 of 30 Days. It's 3.40am, I was woken by our security light and was having difficulties getting back to sleep (I tried for like 5 minutes ha ha and realised my conference was on already and I...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 7/30

30 days of practice Nov 20, 2022

5am and I'm up early for the US conference. 

Weight +800g.
I expected an increase with the garden work I did and the beer I had
Other variables that could cause the +900g.
I didn't sleep well,...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 6/30

30 days of practice Nov 19, 2022

Up early Saturday for an online conference in the States. 

I'm -400g. 
Before I weighed I felt calm. I didn't expect to lose any weight today e specially 400g. 


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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 5/30

Day 5 whoa. Where has the week gone?!

I'm -500g

Feeling calm and powerful. I want to do a Write it down and move on worksheet today about the sweet potato chips. Just to check my sneaky brain was...

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Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 4/30

Day 4 - 30 Days of Practice


It’s 5.40am. I’m feeling a bit tired, woke up in the night and stayed awake for some time. 

Good to recognise I might be a bit tired today. My...

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