Tinned Salmon Burgers

recipe Oct 15, 2021
I made these today and they got the big tick of approval from my family.
Super simple with ingredients I keep in the cupboard at all times.
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You're a work in progress

note from lindell Oct 14, 2021

You're a work in progress.
But you mustn't wait,
or apologise for who you are now.
You're exactly who you are meant to be, today.
Let those you love see you,
in all your unfinished glory.

And never...

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The Final Countdown of 2020! 💃🥳🌟

challenge Nov 25, 2020


We're counting down the last 5 weeks of 2020. We're making the most of them on and off the scales and I'd love to have you join us

My goal for you on this final...

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Failure - Get Comfortable

mindset pep talk Oct 27, 2020
Failure Comfort Zones. That's what we're going to be talking about today.

I'm Lindell Pereira also known as Fast Mama.
As I watch new Tribies come through the Fast Mama...
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What do you THINK about these current circumstances?

mindset pep talk May 22, 2020


So what do you think about these challenging times? I'm thinking Pereira. I fast mama. And um, this week I had one of my Instagram followers, uh, comment or one of my healthy meals...
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Getting Started or Getting Back on Track

pep talk Dec 27, 2019
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Top 3 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

pep talk Dec 24, 2019
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Q&A from the Fast 800 Diet Community

tribie spotlight Oct 05, 2019

As you probably know, I started my Fast 800 journey in January this year. That same week I started The Fast 800 Diet Community on facebook. 

From the beginning I wanted this community to be a...

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The Fast 800 Diet - My first 4 weeks

tribie spotlight Sep 17, 2019

The Fast 800 Diet transformed my weight and my life. I lost 20kgs in 20 weeks (and counting!) and went from tired and overweight to slim and energised following a simple eating plan that is easy to...

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