Dorothy’s Cauliflower Soup


                                       Dorothy’s Cauliflower Soup 



• 1 medium onion chopped

• Olive oil or butter

• Salt

• Pepper

• 2 Tablespoons flour

• 4 cups milk, scalded (heated gently till bubbles are on the
edges but not boiling)

• 1 medium cauliflower chopped fine about 2-3 cups

• 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese



Sauté onion in butter or olive oil. Blend in flour. Cook 3-4
minutes without browning.

Add scalded milk, seasonings, and
cauliflower. Cook over medium until slightly thick and not

Just before serving add the shredded cheese and stir until


• Cook the cauliflower when cooking the onion
• Use 3 cups of broth and 1 cup of milk or cream or nut milk
• Use immersion blender at the end to make smooth
• Add greens at the end for more nutrition

Makes about 6 servings and depending on how much milk you
use the calorie count can be from 150-200.

You can find this recipe on MFP as Dorothy’s Cauliflower Soup




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