Day 29, 2nd last day to go. I honestly can't believe I'm here but also at the same time can totally believe it.
I was chatting with a Prima who said she was doing the 31 Days of Practice but doesn't know what day she's on. I told her that's awesome, because it means you're living life how you want to and there's no 'finish line' you're pushing for. You're practicing and that's the whole point.
It's great to have a January 5th goal, great to have a destination in the gps, it's also great to enjoy the journey too. Look out the window, make it as fun as possible. It's like travelling, choose a route you'll love and make sure you take the mode that suits you. I'll be flying first class ha ha, much prefer that than driving.
Let me pause here and go back and check my 30 Days goal so I can see where I'm at compared to it.
Today's weight was -300g.
Ok so I'm 800g away from my goal. I'd say I'm also carrying a bit of water weight from all the yard work this past weekend, the beer and food.
I don't want to go 'hard' and be 'strict' just to reach my goal. I want to just keep living life how I want to live it and see how close I get to it. I've got today and tomorrow, then final check in on Wednesday morning.
I'm going to have 2 standard days and see what happens. Will be interesting to observe what my brain does over these 2 days.
Plan for today: Sushi Party pancake for lunch.
Protein and veggies for dinner. Probably salmon and salad.
Yoghurt, mango and coconut if I want it.
2 coffees, 2 teas and a piece of chocolate.
Oh, lot's of water too.
I'll eat to the hunger scale (this one thing has really changed my life and given me confidence that I'll maintain forever).
Right now it's 11.30am and I'm about a 0 on the hunger scale. I'll get a bit of work done then go make sushi party pancakes for all 4 of us.
We've already been out for haircuts and set a weekly plan together so the kids know what's coming up.
Feeling calm and intentional. Feeling like I'm living life how I want to again.
This is my life and this is how I want to live it.
I want to look after myself like I am.
I want to be an example for those around me.
I want to thrive through life.
I want to light up my life and others with love, laughter, growth and vitality.
This is not a test run... THIS IS LIFE!
Oh gosh, what an awesome day!
Sushi party pancake for lunch.
Lot's of water.
2 coffees.
2 Teas.
Sardines and salad for dinner.
1 square chocolate afterwards.
Kitchen is closed (when I finish my cup of tea that has milk in it).
Honestly there's a slight element of surprise that I'm so on plan.
Also, there's NO WAY I'd be so on plan if I didn't actually set a plan.
I would have reasoned with myself to stay off plan.
Setting a plan is key.
Also, I looked at my goal this morning and where I am today. I saw the distance and that it might be possible, might not, by the date set, AND it doesn't matter.
What matters is that I know my goal, I know I'll get there by doing what I've been doing. Following the 6 Step Process.
I had some emotional moments in my day. Some 'poor me' 'it's not fair' moments and I thought through them. I took a breath and acknowledged that all of my feelings were because of those thoughts and then I chose to change them.
I asked for help and shared how I was feeling.
One example is with my kids.
We've set school holiday plans. I find when I write them out with the kids it helps them feel a bit more grounded as to what's going on. Like there's things coming up and it's ok to be bored or relaxed sometimes because they know what's ahead.
I also over plan. So I expect a lot of myself.
I've still got to (and totally want to) work while they're on school holidays. I've still got to prepare all the meals for the family while fitting in them being home for an extra 32.5 hours a week and requiring supervision, attention, stimulation, love, joy etc.
And if I get to the point where I can't do everything I commit to my kids were in the habit of dropping their shoulders and whinging or crying about how unfair it is for them. Then I feel guilty that I've 'changed my mind' and 'let them down'.
So today I took a proactive approach and told them that I have a lot of responsibilities while they're on school holidays (I listed them for affect). Then I shared my intentions of making the holidays amazing, of how much I LOVE spending time with them and really want to do all the things on our plan. Then I shared my tendency to over estimate what I can do, not just with them but with myself too.
And then I shared how those moments when I do move things on our plan to tomorrow or later in the week makes me feel, especially when they cry and tell me how unfair it is.
I told them that with all that I do with work, family, food shopping and cooking, organising, managing etc, that I am driven to ensure everyone has what they want and it's fair for everyone, and that when I do that, the person it's unfair for is myself.
Then I shared my intentions of living fairly for myself and them, and that there will be times over the coming 7 weeks when I need to make changes to our plan and that it's not because I am being unfair but because I need to, to ensure all the essential things get done while I take care of myself too.
I'm sure that's a conversation I'll be continuing through the school holidays. I'm so glad I was able to collect these thoughts and feelings and find a way to share them with my kids (at a time they weren't having a moment and could actually hear it).
Wow, go me. This version of me today is very different to the version of me just 1 year ago. I'm so proud of myself. AND I'm totally living the healthy life I want along the way. I'm feeling my feelings and changing what I can change. I'm sharing vulnerably with my kids, being the example, perfectly imperfect. Go me.
Another change today is that I'm back to prioritising my evening check in. I'd slackened off doing them recently. So interesting. It doesn't have to mean that I'm off plan when I do but it's interesting to note.
I feel amazing and I'm checking in after dinner.
After dinner I was a +4 on the hunger scale.
Power thoughts: yep, this is my life and I'm living it how I want to.
I LOVE delicious healthy food.
I'm certainly NOT missing out! In fact, I'm claiming what I want and deserve.
Eating all the things not on my plan is missing out on being who I want to be.
This is me, and I love me so much.
50% Complete
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