Tribe News - 2nd January 2023
Happy Monday Tribies and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
2022 is gone. It's passed!
Here in the Tribe so many of you will be celebrating the year you've had, whether you achieved your goal weight or didn't but still transformed your life.
And there will be many of you who know that 2023 is your year to achieve your goals.
You will likely fit into one of these 3 groups in the Tribe today:
1) You hit your goal in 2022 and you're celebrating who you are today, who you became along the way and you know this is just the beginning for you. You have lit up your life and you don't want to stop. You're keen to practice living life this way right through 2023.
2) You didn't achieve your goal in 2022 but you kept stepping back up, kept moving forward and kept making progress no matter what the scales said. You are celebrating the incredible growth you've had in 2022 and you know that was just the start. You feel so much more confident on January 1st this year, knowing somethings changed within you, you no longer feel frantic searching for 'The Answer' but now have a calm confidence and knowing that you're on your path, you've started your journey and you will keep stepping forward until the day this year that you achieve your goal.
3) You're here today and things seem new and shining. You had great plans and dreams for 2022 but they never happened. Somewhere some time something happened that sent you down your well trodden path of comfort and routine. You are where you usually are January each year. You might be thinking "this time is going to be different" and have a whisper behind that thought of "here we go again, how long will I last this time".
No matter which group you fall into I have the exact same message for you because you are all equally important, valuable and worthy. You are all equally loveable no matter your circumstances.
Be here in the Tribe for yourself.
Show up for yourself.
Use the 6 Step Process.
And make progress for yourself.
Keep stepping back up.
Keep practicing no matter how many times you fall.
You are worth your effort and you 100% can achieve your goals and dreams if you keep choosing to believe you can.
Seriously, that's the answer.
That's the answer to every single goal you have whether it be weight loss, wealth, relationships...
1. Know what you want
2. Set a plan
3. Train your brain
4. Allow your feelings
5. Show up to your plan
6. Evaluate and Celebrate
Be here this year to practice these 6 steps.
This week I am still on holidays (entertaining family from New Zealand and the US).
We begin our Tribe only Fast 5 Challenge which is a week of practice.
Setting a plan, checking in and showing up.
Make this week better than your old average.
Next week we will do a public Fast 5 Challenge.
In this challenge we will work through setting goals, setting plans and the path to your goal weight (or maintenance if you're prima).
This is the perfect week to set yourself up for an amazing 2023.
Don't write off this week though.
Either go for it and have an amazing 5 days.
Or focus on making it better than your old average.
Make this week count.
I can't wait to see you on the Group Coaching Calls.
Light up your life.
Lindell xo
Tribie Spotlight: These inspiring January 1st Check Ins.

A massive well done to each of you. Beautiful reflections and focus.
Check ins don't mean 'you're showing up to confirm you were on plan'. They are a moment in your day where you show up and acknowledge where you are, no matter on or off plan. Each time you check in you're gifting yourself a pause in your day, a moment of reflection. 💛
Use the Check ins if they work for you. If you think they'll add anything positive to your day, use them.
What's On:
To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here: