Tribe News - 23rd January 2023
Happy Monday Tribies!
Welcome welcome welcome to all the new Tribies joining us.
We're thrilled to have you join us and look forward to witness you thrive in life as you live the life you dream to live.
Our 28 Day Boost starts today (or tomorrow, Friday, next Monday... whenever you want it to, it's totally up to you because this is YOUR life and you get to create your own rules and do what YOU want).
In the 28 Days you will learn the 6 Step Process, the steps that will get you to your goals and living your life there. You will learn the steps, practice them, forget some of them, practice the ones you remember, relearn the ones you forgot, practice some more, forget to practice, and continue to practice.
You will not be all in perfect from day 1 and forever more.
You are a human being.
Not a robot.
So let's drop that expectation right now and decide we will 'continue to practice' anytime we have forgotten to.
Along the way you will collect information that will help you tweak and grow. You will grow your awareness and make small changes.
The change in mindset, emotions and behaviours will compound over time as you practice.
The beauty of this is that when you get to goal weight you will not be surprised you got there. You will feel confident that you can keep doing what you're doing because you lost the weight the way you want to live your life and you will know "This is just how I live my life".
There will be no 'I can stop now'.
You will feel amazing, energetic, glowing and shining so bright you will WANT to continue to live your life the way you have been living.
The best part, you can create that today.
Let's get started with the 28 Day Boost 🥳💃 (more details below).
Lindell xo
P.S. Anytime your brain offers you the thoughts "I'm behind" "I'm overwhelmed" "I have no idea what I'm doing or where to start"
Take a breath and say to it
"thanks brain but I'm safe, I'm here and I'm stepping forward making today better than my old average day. Bit by bit I will learn and grow. I will make permanent change" or any other thoughts that will support you.
Just be sure to swat those monkey brain thoughts away as quick as you can.
Last Week:
What a fun week!
We had the Last Start Challenge.
So many incredible women joined us in our Tribe 😍
If you missed any of the Fast 5 Challenge Calls you can catch the replays here:
This Week:
It's 28 Day Boost Time! 

We'll have our kick off call during Group Coaching Call #1 this week. Once all the new Tribies are on board. In the kick off call I'll answer all the questions you have for the Boost.
You don't need to wait until then to get started.
I'm so excited for this boost, not only because we always have fun when we BOOST but also because the key foundations you will learn and practice will really make a difference for you and your weight loss journey.
The 4 key practices in this boost will change all areas of your life.
If you focus on doing better than your average and:
- Plan
- Record
- Thought Work
- Feelings Work
You will make progress.
1) Plan:
Planning isn’t ONLY for days where you expect to lose weight. In the Last Start Challenge I talked about 3 types of plans: Fast, Base and Feast.
So, when you hear your brain say “I’m going away this weekend and I’ll get back on plan when I get home” I want you to catch it and redirect it. We need to be rewiring our brains.
You set a plan for the weekend away.
Intentionally, with your prefrontal cortex.
You design the life you want to live, not throw your progress to the wind (no idea if that makes sense but we’re going with it) and hope for the best.
Set your plan, set your intentions, embrace your own power and have an amazing weekend.
I use the example of a weekend away but use whatever example you want to put in there. The point is I recommend setting a plan every single day no matter what your day looks like.
If it's your wedding day, set a plan (notice what thoughts come up for you when you read that), if its your Birthday, a holiday... set your plan. You CAN add a feast to your plan. Then you show up to the feast.
We are creating confidence in ourselves, empowering ourselves and building trust in ourselves that we do what we tell ourselves we will do.
Set the goal to set a plan every day this challenge. Fast, Base or Feast, use them all (everyone should have at least a few feast plans on their calendar).
When you set your plan ask yourself "is this how I want to live my life?" And if the answer is no, come and get coached.
It might take some time to work out what a good feast plan is for you, it might not. The point is the only way to learn this is to practise it.
2) Track:
Counting calories or not, it's totally up to you. Tracking is just the process of writing down what you DID eat today. At the end of your day capture the truth of the day. No need to judge and shame, it's just recording data for yourself to use. You will likely come back to the data in the future to help yourself learn what works for you.
3) Thought work:
Remember What you DO + What you THINK = Your Weight.
Use the 28 Day planner or just a blank journal, whatever works for you, capture your thought downloads and put some thoughts into models.
If you're new or haven't done the thought work in the past it's ok. Start where you are. Watch the Self Coaching module in the Foundation Program:
Don't expect yourself to be a mindset ninja like me when you start out. Training your brain takes practice. Start that practice and you will get there. Gotta start though.
4) Feeling work:
I know many Tribies who have been practicing for some time have the goal of doing more of the feelings work this year. I love that.
For anyone who is starting out I recommend just pausing once or twice a day and noticing what you feel in your body. Tension, tightness, flutters, relaxed, fast or slow.... just notice it.
If you have been practicing that then progress onto trying to name the feeling you've noticed. Just take a guess if you're not sure.
As you practice this you will notice your awareness of what you're feeling will grow throughout other times in your days. You have connected with your body and will build on that.
We will talk about each of these and more in our Group Coaching Calls.
Visit the 28 Day Boost page to get all the details you need and download the Planner.
If you're new to the Tribe, or returning after some time away, the best place to start is with the 28 Day Boost. Keep it simple, just the 28 Day Boost and you will be well on your way.
There's lot's of other lessons and masterclasses to watch Backstage but they'll be there for you another day.
For these 28 Days, follow the Boost.
If you are unsure of the time for you check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:
Tribie Spotlight: EVERYONE!
This week was a week of amazing progress for you all and great big feelings for me.
So many of you shared what the Fast Mama Tribe means to you and the growth (and shrinkage) you've achieved with the program. Gosh that all felt a little overwhelming to me until I paused, sat, took some breaths and got to know what I was feelings.
Pride, love and purpose. My heart was so full hearing so many of you share how bright you are shining, unapologetically taking up space and being proud of yourselves.
THAT'S the spotlight this week. Women (you), all around the world, turning up their light and shining brighter, and then sharing with others.
Keep being amazing my friends.
What's On:
To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here: