Tribe News - 16th January 2023

Happy Monday Tribies! 


It's Last Start Challenge week 💃🥳 I'm looking forward to an amazing week with all of you beautiful Tribies and all the other women from around the world who have signed up to make this time different to all the other times they've tried to lose weight, to make this time their Last Start. 

For you, my beautiful Tribie, I want you to use the start of this challenge as a moment of reflection and thought work. 

Think back to your very first challenge with me, how were you feeling? What were your average thoughts, way of believing and thinking? What channel got the most airtime in your head? (listen to this weeks group call #1 replay for more information on this analogy). 

Then write down the thoughts you have today about where you are (Awareness).

Ask yourself if what you're thinking helps you. Does it serve you? (Question). 

You can put the thought into a Model and see what it's creating for you or you can just consider the thought and see if you can find the answer that way. 

If it does help you to think the thoughts, awesome, keep thinking those thoughts. (Decide)

If it doesn't, let's change them. (Decide)
Even if you believe the thoughts are correct and 'the truth' it doesn't matter. We're in the business of progress not proving what's true. If what you are thinking makes you feel defeated or hopeless you can choose to change the thought. 

Find an alternate thought to practice (Move Forward). 
You might use a slight change of the thought as a stepping stone for example "I'm hoping having a plan  sets me up for a good week" to "having a plan sets me up for a good week"
Or try on a very different thought to what you've been thinking "I've wasted all this time and haven't made any progress" to "I've not given up and I've made progress in my practice and mindset". 

This exercise above is the 4 Step Switch.
It is a practice that creates results for you. 

Practice it. 

If you need help, bring it to coaching and we'll help you. 


If you missed Training #1 for the Last Start Challenge you can watch it here:

In this short training I taught:
- The Weight Loss Formula
- The Core 4
- My top 3 tips for success


Light up your life.

Lindell xo


Last Week:

Last week we had 4 awesome Group Coaching Calls. This is what we covered:

Group Coaching Call #1 with Lindell: Which station are you listening to?
Group Coaching Call #2 with Lindell: Your thoughts about what you need to do
Group Coaching Call #1 with Amanda: The 4 Step Switch
Group Coaching Call #2 with Amanda: The Weight Loss Formula and Coaching


This Week:

Last Start Challenge: 💃🥳💃🥳

ELast week we introduced the Weight Loss Formula as 
What you DO + What you THINK = Your Weight.

This week in the Last Start Challenge I want you to be placing just as much emphasis and effort into your THINKing as you are into your DOing. 

When you check in I encourage you to put your thoughts too. Your current thoughts or your power thoughts that will serve you. Share your thought work or at least capture it for yourself in your planner. 

The Weight Loss Formula is a refined way to highlight what's important and where to spend your time and effort. What will make the difference for you. With this simple formula I'm so confident I can get every single Tribie to goal weight this year. SO CONFIDENT. 

All you need to do is show up for yourself and keep showing up. Let's do it.  


This week Kimberley Simpson will be matching up everyone who has requested a buddy (but hasn't got a match yet) and introducing each of you to your new buddy.


Tribie Spotlight: Evelyn Koene


I want to give a great big shout out to Evelyn Koene for how you show up for yourself and others in the Check Ins. I hope you feel supported as much as you support others. Thank you for showing up and being a part of our Tribe. 


What's On:

To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:



50% Complete

Two Step

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