Feeling: present, calm and steady.
Ate pretty much what I wanted when I wanted but not past a +4 on the hunger scale. Had 1 wine on Friday and Saturday, 1 beer on Sunday.
I'm so proud of how I ate, it was easy, relaxed and free from food controlling me.
Saturday the thoughts of beer controlled me a little bit but I overcame them. Waited and put it on my plan Sunday.
It was an unplanned weekend across the board with food and activities. Didn't end up camping because of a sick child. Tried to balance work around the house and time together as a family. Getting there.
Weight today is up only very slightly. Down compared to Monday last week. I really feel like the 6 steps have created so much freedom for me. Practicing them (when I practice with self love, self awareness and self belief) has me living the life I want to live.
3 coffees, 2 teas.
2 slices of spelt sourdough if I want it. Last week I ended up eating 3 slices I think (when I had 1 on my plan). Today I'm allocating 2. Fresh home baked sourdough, that's the kind of bread I'm worth indulging in.
I've got some delicious veggies in the fridge so I'll have them with my bread for lunch.
Dinner, salmon sushi sans rice for me.
Mixed nuts or yoghurt and berries if I want them.
That's it.
Gosh I love that plan.
Going to be a hot day today (37 degrees) so will keep the water intake up. Walking... I'll try get some in later tonight.
Yoga or pilates, 10 minutes aim. This week I want to create time and space to self coach on my thoughts about exercise. I've not been doing it consistently (even though it's on my plan daily). I want to make this thought work a priority of mine this week
Went for a swim this morning at my usual check in time so a little bit later than usual checking in.
I was feeling meh this morning.
Yesterday I at a bit more than I needed to.
I had more mixed nuts than the 1 small handful I usually eat and I ate to a +6 at dinner (maybe even a higher).
Went to bed feeling full.
Woke up feeling flat.
I made an effort to go for a swim after dropping the kids at school. I did it even with the loud voice in my head saying "but there's so much you could be doing at home to clean and tidy, plus you could be getting a head start on your work for today, you could use this time more wisely".
Thanks brain but I'm so glad I chose to go for a swim, refuel myself and care for myself.
I've got a slight headache this morning (only person in the family who hasn't had the recent cold) so will keep my water up today. It really gives me motivation to eat well and care for myself today.
3 coffees (already consumed)
2 teas
Zucchini and eggs for lunch
Yoghurt and berries if I want
Salmon and salad for dinner.
Consciously deciding no biscuits or chocolate today (I forgot to add above I did have a biscuit and piece of chocolate yesterday after dinner).
I pointed out to my husband last night how much our habits have changed. There was a time we would eat at least 4 biscuits if not more each day. We'd have ice cream every single night followed by chocolate. We'd also have wine most nights too... a whole bottle.
SO proud of us.
Power thoughts for today:
I'm actually not sure.
I really want to feel calm and cared for by myself so I'll find some thoughts that create those feelings.
"I love myself and I love taking care of myself" (ha ha that's a surprisingly easy direct thought that creates those 2 feelings).
"when I gift myself a plan and follow it I set myself up to feel great tomorrow and that's exactly what I'm doing today".
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday, life is certainly up and down. And interestingly my eating is not.
This is so interesting to reflect on.
In the past my eating would follow the same trend as life events and circumstances around me.
I can officially say the trends have separated. Wahooo, go me.
(catching my brain suggest I get back in my box and talk a bit softer about my progress so I don't upset anyone or make anyone feel lesser, thanks brain but I'm here to take up space unapologetically. I can be me, loud and proud and anyone who reads this will have it in their own control to think thoughts that help or don't help them.)
So I'm feeling good. Weight is still a little bit higher after the weekend but that's no problem at all. It's all just data.
Yesterday I lived life how I want to live it and today I feel great. That's my goal and focus.
Today's plan:
3 coffees (it's 10.22am now and I've only had 1, that's unheard of ha ha)
2 teas
Lunch - there's veggies and salmon in there (I think, I'll have that or whatever else I find in the fridge that is protein and veg)
Dinner - Chicken and salad.
Yoghurt and berries if I'm hungry. I won't try push through it today. I will have this if I am feeling hungry.
Small handful of mixed nuts if I want.
Walk 10k steps and committed to pilates today.
I will focus on pausing and breathing today too. Pause and breath, pause and breath. This is like medicine to me. It's a tonic. Love it.
Power thoughts:
I keep practicing and I love it.
There's nothing I'd change today. (actually there is, I'm going to add a piece of chocolate to my plan)
Now there's nothing I'd change today.
Living todays plan is exactly what I want. What a gift it is to give myself.
Thursday Check in, started my day in the best way possible... on the Prima call

My heart is full of love and warmth.
Kids are getting ready for school now, going to drop them at school soon and head to the beach for a swim/scull then got my work focus for today. Got a really full end of week so working through the 'you shouldn't take the time to swim it'll take up a whole hour' etc. I give myself permission to do it.
Yesterday I didn't have my chocolate because I thought I hadn't put it on my plan. Reviewed my plan when I was in bed and it was there! oh well.
I really wanted a butter biscuit after dinner with my cuppa but decided not to.
I thought "I'm not hungry, my body feels calm, I'm wanting the biscuit for a little bit of entertainment. I can have the biscuit but I'm choosing not to. Will put it on my plan tomorrow and have it."
So that's what I'll do.
Plan for today:
3 coffees, 2 teas
Chicken, cabbage and zucchini for lunch.
Dinner: meatballs and salad.
Yoghurt and berries + mixed nuts if I want.
1 butter biscuit (can choose the almond version if I want) and 1 piece of chocolate.
Oh that feels great. What a delicious day and how great I'll be feeling again tomorrow.
Feeling calm with a slight headache. Will have lot's of water today.
I'm actually excited to live the rest of my life this way. I think it's almost impossible to go back to the way I was living.
AND theres so much opportunity for further growth. So fun.
I didn't do my pilates yesterday even though I made the commitment to. I did some quick self coaching in my head in bed before I went to sleep and I found the thought "I really want to do it and feel amazing" I also remembered because I had forgotten "42 Strong! I'm going to create that".
The other thing that excites and motivates me are my kids who are doing more sports and at the age now where our holidays will be active and so much fun when I participate, and my husband who's been running each morning. They inspire me to want to be fit and strong.
I did go for a walk after I put the kids to bed last night because my step count was under 5000. I ended the day in the 9000s.
All up, feeling on track and like I'm living life the way I want to live it.
Monday Check In.
I'm here! I missed checking in for 3 days.
I didn't really have plans so defaulted to my base plan which can get a little bit blurry.
The main thing I always do and did throughout the 3 days was ask myself "am I really hungry right now?" and "where am I at on the hunger scale?"
And I stop at around a +6 although these past 3 days I don't think I made it past a +5 or even +4.
Weight is same today as it was Friday morning.
I enjoyed a family meal Friday night and a G&T with hubby.
Saturday night enjoyed dinner with my dad and a G&T.
Sunday enjoyed lunch with my inlaws and 2 beers.
Had ice cream 3 times over the 3 days.
Chocolate, some chips/crisps.
Nuts, yoghurt, pancakes... what else?
Smoothie, biscuits, oh and a big piece of cake at a party, then the rest (meat and veg, yoghurt and berries...)
It was a relaxed weekend and I didn't gain any weight.
Because I didn't eat much of anything. My portions were smaller and I said no to A LOT of stuff because I wasn't hungry.
So what worked was the hunger scale.
What else worked was how much my brain has changed. My thoughts were not "I'm off plan I may as well keep going". I made great decisions in the moment. I feel like I lived naturally and easily free from food. Choosing if I desired and wasn't full, saying no if I felt a bit on the fuller side. There was no FOMO or any stress around it.
What didn't work?
No plan. I really love having a plan. No plan just creates so much more effort. I love that I fell back onto my base plan guidelines but I still wish I had a plan and could have been a bit more intentional throughout the weekend. I felt a bit low in energy this morning and I don't like that. With a plan I would have made some different choices that would have made me feel brighter and more energised which is the feeling I want.
What would I do differently?
I think I want to set my weekend plan on Friday mornings. Make an effort to check in friday and set my plan then.
I feel a little uneasy thinking about setting a plan that early but I will self coach on that and explore that feeling.
All up, I had a wonderful weekend, Monday morning I've fasted, walked and had my 2 coffees. Feeling more energetic every minute. Looking forward to a great week ahead.