Tribe News - 14th November 2022
Happy Monday Tribies!
We're down 2 weeks/14 days of our 28 Day Boost 🥳
How are you feeling?
If you're feeling fabulous... KEEP GOING!
Make sure you're capturing your LWC thoughts, feelings and actions. Get them down on paper, these are your recipe for success. Knowing exactly how you were thinking, feeling and behaving when you were in the zone and losing weight, that's GOLD.
If you're NOT feeling great... KEEP GOING!
Have a look at the 6 Step Process. Which step could use a little focus?
1. Know what you want
2. Set a plan
3. Train your brain
4. Allow your feelings
5. Show up to your plan
6. Evaluate and Celebrate
Start at step 1 and make sure you can answer 'What do I want?' in detail. And check whether you feel connected to what you want. If you don't, then spend some time there getting connected with it. Come get coached if you want some help.
Then work your way down the 6 steps checking to see if spending time on a particular step would be helpful.
It's all about practice.
If you feel like quitting and you're reading this newsletter as one final glimmer of hope to change things for yourself...take a pause. Sit still and take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Bring your awareness into your body, sit and keep breathing deeply. Notice what you're feeling in your body, any sensations, fast or slow movement, any heaviness or lightness, calm, rushed... what do you notice. Sit and breath, and let the feeling be there. Don't try to push it away. Just let it be.
When you're ready ask yourself "what do I want? What do I truly want?" keep breathing and just allow whatever comes up, to be there. Keep breathing deeply repeating to yourself what you truly want. Then ask yourself "what will I do to create that for myself?" Breath deeply and listen for the answers.
All that you need is within you.
If you slow down enough to be and hear you will find everything you're looking for.
Trust yourself.
If you want further help, come to a group coaching call or post in the Facebook Group. We are here for you.
I'm looking forward to the coming 2 weeks, the 2nd half of the 28 day Boost. Keep it going Tribies, keep stepping up for yourself no matter how far you feel like you've fallen, keep going, keep practicing and keep making progress.
Keep that head out of the sand my friend. Honesty doesn't have to be harsh, it can just be information.
Keeping with the theme of honesty, I was reflecting last week about how I'm feeling and where I'm at. I've felt so tired and I've witnessed myself reach for foods I wouldn't have normally reached for.
I tracked my food for a day and realised there's a bit there that's crept in that I want to change.
I don't think I've been living intentionally since my birthday.
So I've decided to do 30 days of practice and share with you all EVERYTHING I do. This is a big commitment for myself as I have the thought "I shouldn't have to do all the work" but every time I self coach on it I come back with "I want to do the practice because it makes me feel amazing".
So today is day 1 of 30 days for me. I'll be posting daily here on our Tribe blog. I'll share a little bit on my social media but right here is where ALL the details, self coaching and planning will be shared.
My wish during these 30 days is:
- I learn new lessons that help me create even greater tools for the Tribe so Tribies can make easier, faster and more permanent progress.
- I start to feel amazing and energetic again, make myself proud and remind myself of why I want to live this way.
- I show Tribies how human I am and how the 6 steps and the tools have got me. How I use the program and the results I create for myself.
It was fascinating looking back over old check ins and creating a new check in format that I feel great sharing.
My past check in (3 years ago) was all about weight.

I felt so sad seeing this. Then I thanked my past self because that version of me got me to where I am today, and I created the new 'guidelines' I wanted to live by.
Here's my new daily check in I'll share along with Thought Work and Feeling Work.

I'll share Worksheets I use and my self coaching too.
It's all here for you to witness.
If at any time it becomes unhelpful for you, please tune out.
I have a whole heap of "tooting my own horn' 'big head' 'tickets on myself' stuff to work through along the way but I'm committed to myself and you, that I'll share it all here.
Light up your life.
Lindell xo
Last Week:
Last week was Week 2 of our 28 Day Boost. We had 4 Group Coaching sessions in the Tribe. If you missed them or want to catch the replay you can watch them here:
The 4 key practices in this boost will change all areas of your life.
If you focus on doing better than your average and:
- Plan
- Record
- Thought Work
- Feelings Work
You will make progress.
Visit the 28 Day Boost page to get all the details you need and download the Planner.
I converted the Planner into a Fillable PDF this week too. Download your copy at:

If you're new to the Tribe, or returning after some time away, the best place to start is with the 28 Day Boost. Keep it simple, just the 28 Day Boost and you will be well on your way.
There's lot's of other lessons and masterclasses to watch Backstage but they'll be there for you another day.
For these 28 Days, focus on the Boost.
If you are unsure of the time for you check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:
This Week:
Daily Check In Focus: 💃🥳💃🥳
The main focus this week will be your check ins.
When you follow the check in steps below you will set yourself up for a great week.
2 Check Ins each day.
Morning check in:
Share your plan for the day (or you can just confirm you've set your plan).
Share 1 or 2 thoughts you'll practice for the day.
And any other information you want.
Evening check in:
Share how your day went,
Share if you think you're in a Hight Weight Cycle or Low Weight Cycle
And what the main 2 thoughts you used during the day were.
Morning Check In:
I've got my plan set for today. 15 hour fast, zucchini and eggs for breakfast, yoghurt and berries for lunch, Butter chicken and veggies for dinner. 2 coffees. 2 cups of tea. Water. 8 hours sleep. 40 minute movement.
Weight =
I'm practicing the thoughts "I've got this" "I can do this" and "this is how I want to live".
Evening Check In:
Good day today. Stuck to plan 90%. Had some nuts on my yoghurt.
I think I'm in a Low Weight Cycle, I feel ease.
Thoughts that helped me today and which I think have created my low weight cycle are: "I want to feel amazing" "It's 5 days" "I've set my plan and I'm practicing being someone who shows up to their plan".
That's it. Focus on 2 check ins a day. Do the 3 steps for each check in and you will have a week of progress.
Make the effort.
Commit to yourself.
If you are unsure of the time for you check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:

**This is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.**
Someone who understands you, who holds you accountable, who checks in on you if you've been missing in action, and who you can share wins and falls with.
They know what you're going through, because they are too, no matter what weight each of you are at, the challenges are similar.
I've had a number of accountability buddies over my journey. Some at the same time, some every other month. I've found the switch in buddies has helped me keep motivated.
If you want to switch it up you can, if you want to keep your current buddy you can do that too.
Here in the Fast Mama Tribe it’s not personal if you want to explore. It can be motivating switching it up.
Find a partner that works for you. Try on different buddies, maybe a new buddy each month will motivate you most.
Like a good pair of jeans, find what fits you best.
Ready to try a buddy?
Comment on the facebook post HERE.
Share a little about you, how you like communicating, how often you want to check-in and anything else that gives people a good idea what you want and need.
If you see someone you want to buddy, comment and ask them.
Not on Facebook? Email [email protected]
This week Kimberley Simpson will be matching up everyone who has requested a buddy (but hasn't got a match yet) and introducing each of you to your new buddy.
Tribie Spotlight: YOU!
Each week I look through the community and choose someone to spotlight and every single week I think "there's so many people I'm missing".
I have deep fear that I want to highlight everyone, I want everyone to feel recognised and I want everyone to feel proud.
Then I realise, I'm only a circumstance in your model.
This Tribie Spotlight (while so very important to me) is only a circumstance in your model.
I want each of you to be spotlighting yourself each week. Privately or publicly, however you want to recognise yourself.
I would LOVE it if you nominated yourself for a spotlight by sending an email to [email protected]
(I'll leave you to notice all the thoughts that come up when I suggest you nominate yourself, and I look forward to smashing any thoughts that are holding you back).
Last week I spotlighted myself in my Deep Dive Coaching container I'm in. It's a group of phenomenal coaching (so many of them have achieved SO many incredible things in their lives) and I decided to celebrate me there. Here's what I shared:
"Not sure where to post this so I'll post this here in Geeking Out as I'm geeking out at myself and my growth. I started Deep Dive Coaching 12 months ago. During the first 3 months I felt way out of my comfort zone and like I'd never grasp the full deep dive coaching. I worked hard in my coaching sessions, tried so hard to be the best C in my clients worlds. I brought big energy and enthusiasm to my calls. I was exhausted. During our Deep Dive classes I coached once and thought I totally bombed. I called it a total disaster. My first 2 coaching submissions for accreditation received A LOT of feedback. I'm grateful to my past self who received the very valuable feedback openly and constructively. I kept showing up, kept practicing the new concepts through A LOT of discomfort and very slowly made progress. My 3rd coaching submission was a home run. I got on the call and coached using many of the deep dive concepts. My client experienced a big shift on the call. I was SO surprised and excited for the ease and flow of the call and the magical transformation. In the last 12 months its been a massive 12 months of growth for me, in myself, my awareness, my self-love, acceptance and confidence. As a total bonus my family members and clients have transformed as a ripple effect of my own growth. Today I deep dive coached on a group coaching call in my container. I coached with so much ease, love and calmness. The shift the client experienced was absolutely incredible. Witnessing the shift was a gift for the rest of the amazing women on the call too. It was a great reminder for me of how far I've come over the past year, stepping forward with practice and progress even through incredible discomfort. Sharing to encourage you to consider who you are today and remember the version of you who said yes to Deep Dive Coaching. Also, a massive thank you to @bev for all the discomfort and growth you've created for yourself that has made this Deep Dive course and container possible."
Toot toot. Totally tooting my own horn but damn I'm proud.
That's an example of taking up space unapologetically (I didn't delete 3 x "sorry" sentences as I typed this newsletter so I'm still practicing this too).
So, submit your Spotlights or share your wins and tag me in the Facebook Group.
NB: Not every spotlight will be self nominated.
What's On:
To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here: