Tribe News - 18th July 2022

Happy Monday Tribies!

It's 28 Day Boost Time! 🥳💃🥳💃

Watch the Kick Off Call video replay here if you missed it.


I'm excited for this boost, not only because we always have fun when we BOOST but also because I've put a lot of effort putting into the Boost the key foundational practice that will really make a difference for you and your weight loss journey.

To be honest, the 4 key practices in this boost will change all areas of your life. 

If you focus on doing better than your average and:

- Plan
- Record
- Thought Work
- Feelings Work

You will make progress. 

Visit the 28 Day Boost page to get all the details you need and download the Planner.

 If you're new to the Tribe, or returning after some time away, just follow along with the 28 Day Boost and you will be well on your way. There's lot's of other lessons and masterclasses to watch Backstage but they'll be there for you another day. 
For these 28 Days, follow the Boost. 

This Week:

This week we're in week 1 of the 28 Day Boost. 
Do your future self a favour and complete the 'Monthly Power Up Looking Forwards' and 'Start Snapshot' Worksheets in the 28 Day Planner. These 2 pages will help you see boldly your progress throughout this Boost and really highlight it to you at the end no matter what your brain is telling you at that time. 

In our Group Coaching Calls we'll be covering the basics of Thought Work and practicing models together. I'll coach anyone who wants to get coached as well. 
On these calls it's totally optional for you to have your camera on or off. And of course, totally optional for you to put your hand up for coaching too. 

You can catch all the call replays here:


Tribie Spotlight: Becky Claire

Last week in the Prima Group the amazing Becky celebrated her 2 year Primaversary! 

Here's what Becky shared:

Hi all today is my 2 year Prima Anniversary. I am feeling so much gratitude for Lindell Pereira, all of you and the whole entire tribe. I am currently 4lbs over my Prima weight. The difference all the things I’ve learnt and been practicing in the tribe have changed me and my life.
Thanks so much to you all for your kindness and support.
Lots of Love 💗 

It's so much more than a number on the scales and Becky has shown us that over the past 2 + years she's been in the Tribe. 

Regardless of the fact she is in her Prima range, Becky has transformed her mind, heart and body to be who she is today. 

It's been such an honour and privilege to witness Becky's growth through many ups and downs, she is one amazing woman.

A massive congratulations and well done Becky.

What's On:

Our What's On calendar has been updated. You can find all that's coming up here: 

You're living under a rock if you don't know the 28 Day Boost starts today 🤣


I've got 198 Tribies to get to Prima in next 5.5 months so let's go!

Let's light up your life.
Lindell xoxo


50% Complete

Two Step

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