Tribe News - 29th May 2023

A note from Lindell:


Happy Monday Tribies and Happy Day 1 of our next 30 days. 

30 Days of possibility!

30 Days of progress!

All created by 30 days of practice. 

You can download your 30 day planner here. I've also added a new A5 printable format for those who want one that can fit in your handbag. 


Don't discount the power of this planner or the power of doing this work. 

I've just completed the front pages myself (which I never did last month) and I'm sharing them below with you to show that whilst you join the Tribe for weight loss, you can use the program for whatever you want. Any goals or dreams you desire, the tools we teach and the coaching we offer will help you achieve them. 

Commit to filling in these pages this month (if you don't fill them in don't make that mean you've failed. Either fill them in when you realise or just start practicing each day). 


For the past 30 days I encouraged you to focus on:
- Setting a plan
- Tracking
- Practicing the hunger scale. 

For this next 30 days, if you didn't do those 3 things above, do them. Practice them. That's it. 

If you did the 3 things, keep doing them. 

These 3 things are critical to creating calm and freedom around food. 

If you want to stack another habit on top of those 3, practice thought work. 

Thought work is our focus this month. We began last week with our Group Coaching Calls. If you missed them, you can catch the replays here.


I'll finish by quoting my future self and her message to me as I filled out the worksheets today:
"ha ha, you thought I was going to say "come on you can do it!" but I'm not. What I want to say is just follow the 6 steps. Seriously, anytime you feel off track or even on track, follow the 6 steps. They will take you to where you want to go in all areas of your life".

Love Lindell xo




Last month in the Prima group we trialled a new check in approach and it was a huge success so we're bringing it here to the main tribe too:
One check in post for the entire month of check ins.

There will be one post (on Facebook and in the Backstage area) and it will be where we do our daily check ins for the month of June.

The reasons we decided to try this:
- So no one is left behind because of their time zone.
- One place, one post, much easier to find. Reduce the energy our brains use to check in.

SO, let's give this a go for this month here in the main Tribe 💛


Tribie Spotlight:

This week we're highlighting some of your final evaluations and celebrations for the past 30 days. 

Sally Rasmussen

I too did not follow the specific plan for the 30 days rather carried the concept with me. but I do use what I’ve learned in the tribe every single day.

I know my why - health and fitness and wearing the clothes I want. I know I can get there. I know  that small changes add up over time.

I have taken the pressure off myself and instead committed to black coffee in the mornings and delaying breakfast … I eat when I want to eat and I never beat myself up about it.

And I try and make “better choices” than the old me. Super simple and therefore doable. I have made movement a priority. I do a good amount each day - an ice skating session, a swim, a long dog walk and occasionally the gym.

I’d like to more work with weights as I know that will be beneficial long term. Anyone got any recommendations about how to start this?

I’m gonna share my weight loss graph over the last months. I’ve dropped 9kg since January. It hasn’t been quick but it has been straightforward for ME. And we all have our own journeys don’t we? The mental work has been the biggest factor in getting 1/3 of the way to prima. I have days where I self sabotage, eat for no good reason and I celebrate with family and friends - the graph clearly shows my holiday. But I made those choices and I own them and I’m grateful to Lindell Pereira coz she works so hard to help so many! And I love being in the tribe even though I don’t post all of the time and only attended a handful of coaching session. I’m in it and I know I’m in it and I love all of the insights that you all share on Facebook - so thanks to all of you too x



Jojo Heeps

After coaching with Lindell I recognised how I made progress for May- not scales related. I planned, I showed up, I became more aware of my thoughts and feelings, I practiced each day, I enjoyed letting go of ‘perfection’, - so much to bring in my next  30 days and beyond!!


Anne Coulon

This morning, after 31 days when I practiced, with varying success, I have lost 1.1kg. My evaluation is that practic is what works for me! I have gradually become more comfortable with fasting for at least 16 hours a day, and eating foods which suit  me, as well as recognising self-sabotage and forgiving myself for it and starting afresh quite quickly. Whilst I wish I could get the kilos to drop off me at the rate of knots, I am celebrating the fact that this is the first month since January that I haven't gained even a little bit! I'm looking forward to the next 30 days of practice, which will be different and more difficult for me. Thank you, Lindell Pereira, for sharing your own progress so openly, and for the guidance you give.


 What I love most is that these women demonstrate that it's not perfection that is required for progress. 
It's practice and imperfection. 

They keep stepping back up and stepping forward. 

Well done amazing women.


What's On:

To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:



50% Complete

Two Step

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