Weekly Newsletter - 5th February 2024

Fast Mama - Coaching Program
Weekly Newsletter - 5th February 2024

Hello beautiful Tribies. 

This weeks message is in the form of a Private Members Podcast Episode. Listen to the episode above. 

This month in the Fast Mama Program we're focusing on Step 3 of Practice: "Show Up to Your Plan." This month of focus has the potential to change your weight loss experience. 

Here's a glimpse of what's coming up in the weeks ahead:

Week 1: Mastering The Pause Method

We started last week with a deep dive into The Pause Method, a powerful tool that will help you regain control over emotional eating. The Pause Method empowers you to calmly show up to your plan in those crucial moments when your emotions and cravings seem wild. It's a game-changer on your path to lasting weight loss. Missed the call, watch it here.

Week 2: Self-Coaching and Mind Management

This week, we're exploring the skill of self-coaching and mind management. Understanding your thinking patterns and learning how to guide your thoughts are essential skills in your weight loss journey. We'll equip members with a tool to help them break free from old thoughts and align your mindset with your goals.

Week 3: Breaking Old Habits

In the third week, we delve into the process of breaking old habits. We all have ingrained patterns and routines, but with the right tools you learn to replace them with new, healthier habits that support your permanent weight loss. 

Week 4: Putting Your Tools to Use

Throughout this month we’ll be practising using the tools in life. I’m always in the trenches with you showing real life examples of how I use them in my daily life. As we approach the end of the month, we'll focus on making sure we’re intentionally putting the tools into action and leveraging their power. We’ll build and empower you with confidence to make mindful choices and navigate challenges with ease.

Then next Month: Deep Dive into Binge Eating

Looking ahead to the following month, we'll embark on a deep dive into a topic that many of us have faced: Binge Eating. We'll explore the underlying causes, triggers, and strategies to overcome binge eating episodes. This has been a game-changer for me on my journey from constant binge eating to not being able to remember the last time I binge ate. Life changing!

At Fast Mama, we are committed to empowering women to break free from the cycle of dieting and embrace a life-changing journey towards permanent weight loss and total well-being. Our core principles of empowerment, lifestyle transformation, self-kindness, purposeful living, and taking control guide every step of our program.


What's On:

To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'what's on' section of our Backstage area here: www.fastmamatribe.com/whatson 


Private Coaching:

Do you ever feel like you're going around in circles not making progress? 

We've all felt that way. 

Or do you think there's a big personal obstacle that is holding you back?

I offer private coaching for any Tribie who feels like they need extra support and for whatever reason can't achieve the support on Group Coaching calls. 

Here's some of the reasons Tribies have booked Private Coaching sessions with me:

- Had been a Tribie for a year and lost weight, kept it off but felt like they had plateaued and needed a kickstart. This client booked regular weekly 25 minute sessions.

- Prima who schedules a session to dive deep on obstacles anytime she feels she needs it. This Prima has been a private client for a number of years and books in her sessions randomly whenever needed. 

- New Tribie who wanted one on one support along her journey. We started with 8 weekly 50 minute sessions and now do weekly 25 minute sessions. 

- A Tribie who is steady with her weight loss and wanted life coaching. We meet weekly for 25 minute sessions. 

- A Tribie who had a significant negative event in their life and wanted support. We met weekly for 50 minute sessions for 4 weeks and then switched to fortnightly 25 minute sessions ongoing. 

- So many other reasons such as Parenting, work challenges, relationship challenges, help with planning etc.

As you can see, there's many different reasons and ways to use Private Coaching. 

I offer blocks of 4 sessions at a time that can be used any way to suit you. 


Private Coaching session options:

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further at [email protected]


New Facebook Group:

I've noticed through the coaching I've done over the past year in particular that we have a number of Tribies who are parenting Neurodivergent and/or LGBQT+ children.

Along with the standard parenting challenges these parents most often face additional challenges, feel constantly judged and question themselves and their parenting. 

I really want to hug every single Tribie and tell you "You're enough just as you are" and have you feel a part of our community of support and belonging, acceptance, non-judgement and ongoing growth. 

To continue moving towards making this wish reality, I have created the Fast Mama Support Group - Parents of Neurodivergent and/or LGBQT+ Kids

This group is open to all Tribies who would like to be a part of this group. 

You can join the group via: www.facebook.com/groups/fastmamaparentsupportgroup

The purpose of this group is to connect with other parents who are in a similar circumstance to you.

Support, be supported, share, listen and hold space for each other.

If you have any questions or suggestions please email [email protected]


Big love and hugs to you all.

Let's have an awesome week. 

Lindell xo


50% Complete

Two Step

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