Weekly Newsletter - 30th August 2024


A note from Lindell:

It's Fri-Yay! 

What an awesome week so many Tribies have experienced. 

For me... I'm feeling fabulous after 5 Great Days. I've captured as many of my thoughts, feelings and actions as possible this week so I can share them with you in the HELP Centre. I also call this 'My Recipe for Success' which is doing a reflection when you're feeling on top of the world amazing, and capturing the mindset that is giving you that result. This Recipe can then be used in future to bake the same feeling you've got today. You can do multiple Recipes for Success and have pages and pages of support you've created for your future self. 

So if you've had an awesome week, spend some time reflecting on why you've had such a wonderful week. What have you been thinking and believing this week? 

Speaking of thoughts, I was thinking today about the mindset that really creates calm and long term success on this journey. One of the main thoughts I captured was "I LOVE living life this way" and "This is how I want to live the rest of my life". 

It's a really helpful thought to explore and help yourself check if you're doing all or nothing. 

Ask yourself "could I live the rest of my life like I've lived this week?" 

If the answer is no, ask yourself "what changes/tweaks would I want for myself to move me towards a yes?" 

It's helpful to show us how we don't want to live. I know for me, if I've spent the week overindulging in all the things and I feel eugh, I'll not want to live the rest of my life the way I have this week. 

This shift really helped me change motivation. I used to just want to be skinny and eat all the things. 

I thought it was so unfair that some people could eat whatever they wanted and not put on weight. 

With a lot of experience under my belt now (and a hell of a lot of getting coached) I know and confidently say I don't want to eat all the things. I really want to eat nourishing foods that are great for my body. I want a strong, fit and flexible body. I want to be calm around foods and drink. I want to indulge in both occassionally but intentionally too. I want to manage my emotions and mind. Love myself unconditionally and be proud of myself.

What do you want for yourself?



What's On:

It's Fast 5 Challenge Time! 🥳🥳🥳

I'll be sending all the details out to you Saturday so you can get ready and set for a wonderful week ahead. 

After 5 great days this week for myself and feeling so freaking fantastic, I'm wanting to shout from the rooftops "JOIN US FOR 5 GREAT DAYS AND YOU'LL FEEL AMAZING". Wish I could run past each of your houses and shout it out ha ha. Just pretend I have. 

To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'what's on' section of our Backstage area here:


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