Tribe News - 30th January 2023


What a week!

What a great start to our 28 Day Boost!

The weight loss is happening but the greatest progress I'm seeing is in the mindset work.

Your radio channels are changing bit by bit. (Your radio channel is the narrative you hear in your head, those sentences and thoughts that run through your head, the 60,000 of them each day).

Your stations will flicker, go back and forth. We practice changing the channel and the more we practice the more we tune into the channel that serves us. 

So many of you doing SO damn well. Keep it going. Keep chipping away, bit by bit.

There will be some of you who feel like you're the only one not going well. You're the only one who seems to be missing something. That's a thought and that thought is not going to help or serve you. Decide when you hear that thought next that you will swat it away. 
You are here right now where you are. You can start by following the 6 Step process.
1. Know what I want - Do you know your goal? Do you know what you truly want? Do you know how you want to live your life in 10 years from now? Do you know how you want to live the next 10 years of your life?
2. Set a plan. Set a plan just for today. Set a plan that is 'better than your old average' if you need somewhere to start. Or use your base plan if you have one. Just set some sort of realistic plan that you can practice showing up to. 
3. Train your brain - start journaling/thought downloading to capture what station is playing in your head. Knowing what's playing is awareness and awareness is the first stage of change. Awareness is a great goal for this week.
4. Allow your feelings - A simple pause and take 3 breaths then try to recognise what you're feeling each day is a great thing to practice if you're feeling like it's all too much. 
5. Show up - Track if you're showing up to your plan. If you're consistently not showing up then you need to change your plan or change your mindset. Either make a more realistic plan for the next week or come and get coached. 
6. Evaluate and Celebrate - reflect on what's been working, what hasn't been working and what you want to do differently. Celebrate all that has been working and where you are today. 
Look at today's measurements (weight or tape measure or clothing size) and look at where you started. 

That's it, keep it simple. 
If you feel overwhelmed take a breath and reach out. Reach out by tagging me in a Facebook post or asking the Tribe. We are all here for you. 
Or come and get coached. Coaching will always help you (even if it takes time for the shift to seem to have happened, it's always happening). 

I want to share with you (in case you missed it in the Facebook Group) my evaluation yesterday. 

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I've been tracking very nicely on my base plan.

Yesterday I checked in in the Prima group as follows:

“Saturday Check in.

Feeling amazing, energised and vibrant. A little sore (is that my 40s or something else?). Seriously been sore since I moved into this house. It could be all the work or the very hard wood floors. Or my body... no idea. I hope I figure it out soon because I a bit over feeling sore.

Weight down 5g ha ha.

Plan for today:

Thought work. Practice my thoughts to support myself.

Feeling work. Pause 3 times today and soak up whatever feeling I'm experiencing.

3 coffees

2 teas

protein and veg for lunch

Protein and veg for dinner.

1 beer if I want. Have mineral water before I decide to have the beer.

1 piece of chocolate.

fava beans and yoghurt and berries as options if I want them.

Yesterday I had 2 coffees, lunch and dinner. No extras, no tea, no chocolate. I had no urges and didn't think much about food at all. It was an easy day in flow on a LWC.

I was thinking about the weekend and how many people have thoughts that cause eating off plan. The deep belief that the weekend is a celebration, relief to the week, a break from life...

I was exploring my thoughts about it and I have a little bit of that (old habits) but not much at all. I do have a lifestyle I absolutely LOVE and work I absolutely ADORE.

I wonder if that makes a difference or if my mindset makes a difference. Probably both?

But then there's retired people who still have big 'weekend celebration' thoughts. It must be mindset. Something I want to keep exploring.

Thoughts for today: I am strong. I give myself permission to rest today (eep that one needs self coaching on). Today is a family day, let's live it connecting.

This is how I live and want to live. I am living intentionally. I stand tall and shine bright.

Happy Saturday Prima's."

Then we got invited to my in-laws for dinner.

My in-laws are Indian.

My father-in-law loves to serve people drinks.

My mother-in-law loves to cook amazing food and light people up through her food.

I have a plan set for whenever we go to my in-laws.

Eat whatever I want as long as I don't overeat.

I noticed last night that I also follow the 'make better than old average choices' approach.

What worked:
  • My pre-planned plan / guidelines helped a lot.
  • I had already planned a beer for yesterday.
  • I fasted well.
  • Had a great lunch.
  • Had lots of water in the day.
  • I said no to chips at the river in the afternoon.
  • I said no to chicken and cheese quesadilla’s in the day.
  • I was thinking about showing up 'better than old average'.
  • I limited carby snacks and reached for the protein snacks mainly.
  • I had a beer, sitting outside relaxing chatting with my family.
  • I stuck to salad and veggies (more than half my plate) with proteins for dinner.
  • I didn’t serve myself any rice.
  • I stopped when I was no longer hungry (about +4 on the hunger scale or 60% full). It was so freaking tasty I could easily (and would have in the past) eaten 2 more plates full.
  • I observed my fit and thin brother-in-laws behaviours.
  • I enjoyed a small serving of icecream.
  • I thought of myself leaving their house feeling comfortable and waking up Sunday morning feeling great too.
What didn't work:
  • I said yes to a 2nd beer and had it.
  • I had a glass of red wine with dinner (we rode our bikes to their house so didn't need to drive)
  • I had a few crisp/chips and some chivda that wasn’t really satisfying.
What would I like to do differently next time:
  • Say no to a second beer.
  • I will add a beer and wine to my ‘visiting my in-laws’ plan.
  • Practice thoughts that help me pass up the crisps/chips (my data shows I pass them up every second visit so I’m getting there).

This morning my weight is up 800g but I know that’s temporary. It’s certainly not fat that’s jumped on my body overnight.

I feel amazing and proud of myself.

I feel energetic and empowered.


I used to have a whole heap of mind drama and falls whenever a last minute “come around for dinner” invitation popped up.

My “in-laws for dinner plan” that I’ve set and doesn’t change helps me SO much.

I didn’t get it perfect to start with and I’m still tweaking it.

But it’s such a gift I give myself, to have made many of the decisions ahead of time and to allow myself to be there enjoying the moments and the food.

To be the example for the kids of ‘no big drama’ around the food.


Today there is no ‘catch ups’ with my plan. I just do my base plan again.

The 800g will come off.

I LOVE living my life this way and so I keep doing it.


Not going into shame of having the 2nd beer or the wine keeps me open to finding all the gold of the evening, my progress and my mind.


So my friends, planning ahead of time is super valuable.

Even having guidelines if you can’t put specifics is super helpful.

Evaluating is SUPER helpful and I want to see more of it.

You have not “gone off plan” if you show up to your exception/feast plan.

Everytime you stop eating you are back on plan. You NEVER wait until tomorrow.

If you’re going to bed, you’re on plan.

I want to see more evaluations happening here. I’ll be sharing more and I hope you start to do your own.

Ask yourself:

What worked?
What didn’t work?
What would I like to do differently?


Happy Sunday Tribies.
Light up your life.
Lindell xo


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If you haven't done an Evaluation recently spend 2 minutes (ideally more but let's say 2 minutes to make it as easy as possible for your brain to get on board with) and do one. 
You can evaluate a meal, a day, a week... a month... anything. There's always gold in an evaluation. 




Last Week:

Last week we welcomed new Tribies into the Tribe and we started our 28 Day Boost with a Kick Off Call. 
We had 4 Group Coaching Sessions and 1 Prima Group Coaching Session. 

If you missed any of those calls you can catch the replays here

The 4 key practices in this boost will change all areas of your life.

If you focus on doing better than your average and:

- Plan
- Record
- Thought Work
- Feelings Work

You will make progress.

Visit the 28 Day Boost page to get all the details you need and download the Planner. 

I converted the Planner into a Fillable PDF this week too. Download your copy at:


If you're new to the Tribe, or returning after some time away, the best place to start is with the 28 Day Boost. Keep it simple, just the 28 Day Boost and you will be well on your way.

There's lot's of other lessons and masterclasses to watch Backstage but they'll be there for you another day.
For these 28 Days, focus on the Boost.

If you are unsure of the time for you check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:


This Week:

Week 2 of 28 Day Boost

Amanda and I are focused on coaching on all areas, topics and obstacles during this 28 day boost and we want you to bring your human brains to get coached on our calls.

The purpose of our coaching is to facilitate transformations in your life. 

The more you build awareness, question new thoughts, decide what you want and move forward, the more progress you will make. 

The more progress you make the greater the transformation. 

Come and get coached!







**This is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.**

Someone who understands you, who holds you accountable, who checks in on you if you've been missing in action, and who you can share wins and falls with.

They know what you're going through, because they are too, no matter what weight each of you are at, the challenges are similar.

I've had a number of accountability buddies over my journey. Some at the same time, some every other month. I've found the switch in buddies has helped me keep motivated.

If you want to switch it up you can, if you want to keep your current buddy you can do that too.

Here in the Fast Mama Tribe it’s not personal if you want to explore. It can be motivating switching it up.

Find a partner that works for you. Try on different buddies, maybe a new buddy each month will motivate you most.

Like a good pair of jeans, find what fits you best.

Ready to try a buddy?

Comment on the facebook post HERE.
Share a little about you, how you like communicating, how often you want to check-in and anything else that gives people a good idea what you want and need.

If you see someone you want to buddy, comment and ask them.

Not on Facebook? Email [email protected] 

This week Kimberley Simpson will be matching up everyone who has requested a buddy (but hasn't got a match yet) and introducing each of you to your new buddy.


Tribie Spotlight: 

 I want you to pause today and spotlight yourself to yourself. 

Recently I spent some time with someone who was VERY external recognition focused and driven. 

I noticed this external validation drive impacted all areas of their life and the lens they viewed things through. 

It seemed to cause a big need to compare and find what's the best and who's the best. 

What I know from personal experience is that when we are so focused on that external recognition and validation we so often are seeking it outside because we aren't giving or finding it from within ourselves. 

So I want it to be your practice to recognise yourself. Where have you grown, what progress have you made, what are you proud of and who are you proud to be. 

Shine the spotlight on yourself and celebrate your awesomeness. 

If you have trouble finding your awesomeness or shining the spotlight on yourself come and speak to me. It's a super power of mine to find it in others and shine a bright light on it. 


What's On:

To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:





50% Complete

Two Step

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