My Power Up Page


On last weeks call we went through Stage 2 of the Success Path. I link to the replay in the comments.

One of the steps in this stage is creating a Power Up Page for yourself.

A  document that hosts your goals, stepping stones, bricks and anchors along with power thoughts that light you up.

Whenever I'm feeling flat or like I need a boost I review my power up page and update it. And that pumps me up and gets me moving again.

I updated my page yesterday and would like to share it with you.

These are my own personal answers that I've created for myself.

Yours might look similar or very different. It's for you to decide what you want for yourself. You're welcome to use anything from my power up page (or others) that really resonates with you.

Notes about my Power Up Page:

Much of what I want I already have. But I still want it in future too. So I've listed in in What I want.

It's a great tool for me to check each month that I still have it.

Can I still jog 10km. Can I still do 100 squats.

I focus on only 3 bricks a month. These are usually Plan, Track, Move.

I list all of the bricks I want to do each day on my power up page as a great reminded. Feel free to list 3 or 23, whatever you want.

My anchors really light me up. They light a fire in me when I read them. They very likely don't do that for you and that's ok. You want to create anchors that do. They might be very different to mine.

My Power Thoughts are a work in progress. I print out this power up page and handwrite additional power thoughts through the month that move me.

I'm happy to answer any questions about creating/completing your own power up page (trust me, it's POWERFUL).

If you'd like to share your own Power Up Page please feel free to share in the comments or a post of your own.

Note: Power Up Pages are personal and not open for judgement. We only share for guidance, support and encouragement.

Big love my friends.

Lindell xo


Comments from Tribies on Facebook:

Annie: This is AMAZING Lindell - thank you for sharing. I will share my first one below - I am practicing perfectly imperfect - I know it needs work, I’m finding it difficult to differentiate between my wants and my whys. I need to have one goal/set of stepping stones only at the moment (want to avoid overwhelm). I’ve chosen weight but I’m not 100% happy with that. Weight loss is still my biggest want though, and I am doing the thought work to move away from the number/scale. However, better to write down something and then improve on it then just procrastinate!


Sally: This is mine at the moment. Plan to revisit it soon. I didn’t want it to be too long - just something I can look at quickly. β€οΈ


I listened to the audio call in the car earlier today.

Now I’ve watched the video calls replay and done the work.

This was an incredibly beneficial, helpful and focussing tool.
It has really helped me to refocus.
Really commit to the no longer “all or nothing, white knuckle ride” that got me to prima in 2020

Thank you Lindell, my take away is


Know what you want, why, how and just how much are you committed and believe you can achieve


Lindell: You can watch the replay of the call where I walked through this here:


50% Complete

Two Step

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