My Plans and Meal Ideas

Inspired by Annie Jane, today I created a one page document (in Canva) listing my standard Base Plan and Fast Plan along with meal ideas as I've felt like I'm reinventing the meal wheel often this year.


Responses from Tribies in the Facebook Group: 

Anne Coulon
My absolute favourite go to meal is the Fast 800 fasting fish and chips. I love it, it is such a treat and so easy to make! Salad on the side, nice tasty filling meal.

Annie Jane
Love this - thanks so much! Some of ours are:
Whole chicken in the slow cooker
Lentil bolognese (quinoa instead of pasta for me) 
Veggie lasagne in the slow cooker
Pasta with 7 veg sauce (which I make in slow cooker and freeze) with quinoa for me



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