Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Week 4 (Round 2)
Monday Check In.
I'm here! I missed checking in for 3 days.
I didn't really have plans so defaulted to my base plan which can get a little bit blurry.
The main thing I always do and did throughout the 3 days was ask myself "am I really hungry right now?" and "where am I at on the hunger scale?"
And I stop at around a +6 although these past 3 days I don't think I made it past a +5 or even +4.
Weight is same today as it was Friday morning.
I enjoyed a family meal Friday night and a G&T with hubby.
Saturday night enjoyed dinner with my dad and a G&T.
Sunday enjoyed lunch with my inlaws and 2 beers.
Had ice cream 3 times over the 3 days.
Chocolate, some chips/crisps.
Nuts, yoghurt, pancakes... what else?
Smoothie, biscuits, oh and a big piece of cake at a party, then the rest (meat and veg, yoghurt and berries...)
It was a relaxed weekend and I didn't gain any weight.
Because I didn't eat much of anything. My portions were smaller and I said no to A LOT of stuff because I wasn't hungry.
So what worked was the hunger scale.
What else worked was how much my brain has changed. My thoughts were not "I'm off plan I may as well keep going". I made great decisions in the moment. I feel like I lived naturally and easily free from food. Choosing if I desired and wasn't full, saying no if I felt a bit on the fuller side. There was no FOMO or any stress around it.
What didn't work?
No plan. I really love having a plan. No plan just creates so much more effort. I love that I fell back onto my base plan guidelines but I still wish I had a plan and could have been a bit more intentional throughout the weekend. I felt a bit low in energy this morning and I don't like that. With a plan I would have made some different choices that would have made me feel brighter and more energised which is the feeling I want.
What would I do differently?
I think I want to set my weekend plan on Friday mornings. Make an effort to check in friday and set my plan then.
I feel a little uneasy thinking about setting a plan that early but I will self coach on that and explore that feeling.
All up, I had a wonderful weekend, Monday morning I've fasted, walked and had my 2 coffees. Feeling more energetic every minute. Looking forward to a great week ahead.
Plan for today.
3 coffees
2 teas.
Eggs and veg for lunch or meatballs and veg (can't remember what's in the fridge.
Dinner: veg and protein. Eeep, not sure and I really don't feel like cooking.
I'll do cauliflower, sweet potato and meat for the family. I'll have the cauli and meat.
1 piece of chocolate after dinner (made my own for my dairy free son so will have a piece of that one).
Lot's of water.
Pilates at 7.30pm.
Walk done but will walk while I wait for my son this afternoon too.
Yes, that's a great day planned.
Go me.
Just checked my weight graph and realised my weight is not the same as Friday morning.
Oh well.
Posting my graph here in case it's helpful for you.

here's the last 6 months. Not sure if this is helpful or not but want you to see the reality of my weight:
My thoughts about it: I feel great! That's it. Nothing else to it. Proud of myself, feel amazing and looking forward to continue to live life this way.
Quick Monday recap, I had a G&T with hubby and 2 pieces of chocolate + 1 biscuit. Interesting that's what I grabbed for. Weight Tuesday morning is down but feeling blurgh.
Tuesday Check In.
I was feeling so low this morning. Woke up tired and blah.
Had the group coaching call at 6am and started the call with feelings work. I noticed I was feeling insufficient and not enough. More like I needed to achieve something, do something more. Interesting.
I was able to sit with the feeling a little after the call until I was told our water has been turned off for the day for emergency works and then the kids started fighting.
I remained calm on the outside but felt angry inside. A slight rage building.
I took some time before I got back into the office to sit and breath then did 40 minutes of yoga.
With the feeling of insufficiency I really felt the need to action but decided to love and care for myself instead.
I'm still feeling that need to achieve something and will let it be there as long as it wants to stick around.
I'll carry on with my work.
It's so interesting because it's like that feeling is there to motivate and drive me but it does the opposite. It stalls me. I feel like I'm ready to run but I don't know which direction I'm meant to run in.
Anyway, that's what's going on in me today.
Plan for today:
Drink water (what's left in the house until the water comes back on)
3 coffees (already had)
Lunch is baked veggies and eggs. Yummo I love this meal so much.
Dinner... oh gawd I don't even want to think about getting dinner organised for the family right now. We've got swimming training before then too. It all feels so much.
Dinner will be protein and veg. Most likely Chicken and salad (hot chips for the family).
Yoga is done. Would like to get out for a walk some time if it stops raining. Maybe I'll even go in the rain with my raincoat on. Yes, I will. That would make me proud.
Thoughts that will help me today:
I can feel any feeling and follow my plan.
My plan is my north star today, it's got me.
Yesterday was yesterday, today is today and tomorrow will be tomorrow.
Wednesday check in.
Woke up feeling great, weight was the same as yesterday, showed up to my plan yesterday with the exception of about 8 hot chips.
Went for 2 short walks and did some yoga.
Just attended the Parents and Friends meeting at the school and now I'm fired up. ha ha
When I care deeply I become very passionate. I'm aware I'm feeling fired up, it's like an excited anger, a passionate fume. I really think I need to find the thought/s that are fuelling this.
Ok, after sitting and breathing I think the thoughts are around "they're making me..." "they think..." "they're not being inclusive" "it's not fair". Oh yeah, when I re-read those 4 thoughts the passionate anger builds more ha ha. It's so fascinating to witness.
As I self coach through this I can see that knowing what I want for my family, volunteering the time I want to, showing up as the version of me I want to be and keeping myself open to hear all points of view without feeling like I have to agree with everything I hear will serve me. It helps me feel calm, confident and intentional.
Gosh it's interesting how quickly my emotions were swept off their feet in the meeting.
Fighting or challenging what was said and done doesn't really matter now.
The situation is now the situation and it's not going to change, it's great I now see the full picture and can choose how I respond to the circumstance.
Oh that's so helpful.
I'm feeling calm and centred.
Today's plan:
3 coffees
2 teas
Protein and veg for lunch.
Protein and veg for dinner. (far out, I'm still in the mood of "I don't want to feed people it's such a drag") I'll do make your own sushi for dinner because we've got soccer training for both boys tonight.
Yoghurt, berries and nuts for in between meals and I'm going to make sure I have this today.
1 piece of chocolate.
Eat to hunger scale +4
Lot's of water.
2 short walks (20 mins) and some yoga today.
Thoughts and beliefs I want to gift myself today are:
My plan is my gift to me. When I show up to this plan today I will gift myself the feeling of pride tomorrow.
My plan is luxurious and supportive.
I love moving my body and creating 42strong me day by day.
When I ski this year I'll be SO strong and fit. I really look forward to skiing down the mountain feeling AMAZING.
Thursday Check in, Great night sleep last night, woke feeling rested.
Made gluten free pancakes for the kids for breakfast (son has NAPLAN this week so filling him up for it).
I'm feeling on track but my mindset feels a little weaker than it's been in recent months.
I'm going to do a thought download today to explore my thoughts about how I'm living my life and how I want to live my life. I think that will be very valuable for me.
Weight down 400g.
Yesterday I stuck to my plan with an added biscuit. My yoghurt and berries didn't have nuts but I could have reduced the size of it.
All up a day I feel good about.
Todays plan is to write down everything I eat.
3 coffees (I've had 2 already, both long blacks with dash of milk)
2 teas
Protein and veg for lunch
Protein and veg for dinner
Yoghurt and berries with nuts OR Fava beans.
Water water water
That plan sounds great.
I would like to add some sitting outdoors breathing in there too. I usually drink my after dinner cuppa on the lounge but I want to drink it outdoors today. Although my dads dog is here and she dribbles all over me when I'm outside. Maybe I'll sit indoors by the window.
Fridge is pretty empty so need to get the grocery shopping ordered today to set myself up for tomorrow.
Feeling like I've got a lot on and I want to do it all. That's ok... Let's Go!
Just remembered earlier this week I said I wanted to set my weekend plan on a Thursday.
I'll do that tonight before I go to bed. It will be my gift to me.
Friday Check in. Feeling tired.
I was due to fill it for Amanda on her call #1 but when I got up for it at 2am I didn't feel well and I knew I wouldn't provide the level of coaching I want to deliver so I cancelled the call. I hope not too many people were affected.
I'm feeling very tired this morning. Tired and puffy.
I didn't get the thought download done yesterday that I wanted to do. I will do it today. it's going to be important because I can hear my brain offering me actions to take and the old alarm thought of "you just need to..." I know from experience that anytime my brain offers me "I just need to..." it's focused on the action line and theres ALWAYS a thought there that needs finding.
Weight is the same, has been pretty consistent all week.
Plan for today is accept where I am, be where I am, breath and be.
I think a day of increased water will be good for me too.
Yesterday my hubby and I raced to the beach in our lunch breaks for a swim. It was so nice. SUPER hot, surf was rough but it was lovely just the 2 of us. Feels a bit young at heart ha ha.
This morning I've got breakfast out at a cafe with my friend.
So plan today will be a little different.
I'll have whatever I want and eat to a +4 on the hunger scale.
I'll have yoghurt and berries + nuts OR fava beans
Then dinner will be salad and salmon. Family are having proper sushi from the restaurant.
There's plenty of salad and smoked salmon there for me. And I don't like how I feel after eating sushi. I do LOVE the taste of it though so I'll be smelling it and probably have a lick of the sauce from the lid ha ha.
Actually, I'm thinking now, it's a celebration meal for one of my sons so I would like to participate. I'm going to serve up a small salmon and salad and have 1 or 2 small pieces of sushi on the side to participate. Yes, that feels good.
No biscuits or chocolate today.
Walk 10k steps and housework in my lunchbreak. Got family coming today and tomorrow (different members sleeping different nights) then guests on Sunday for lunch.
Gotta mow my beautiful lawn too. I'll do that tomorrow.
Appointment with accountant today and 2 private coaching sessions too. Today is going to be a great day.
Feeling calm and excited.
Just caught my brain think "I wish I was 2kg lighter". Oh that's interesting. I certainly need to do a great big thought download today.
For now: I'm right here where I am and I've got my plan for today. I'm gifting my past self who set the plan the honour of me following it.