Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Week 1 (Round 2)

Day 1 of 30 Days of Practice. It's meant to be 31 but I've already go the last round saved here as 30 days so will do 30 days. Also, it's really 365 days a year because it's just how I live now. 

Although, typically on my average day I do a general quick check in and that's it. I don't often follow up at night with a review. So I love this practice here of sharing with you all in the backstage area. 

So it's day 1. Ultimately what I want from these 30 days of practice is to do exactly that, practice. 

Know what I want.
Set a plan.
Train my brain.
Allow my feelings.
Show up to my plan.
Evaluate and Celebrate. 

What I want is (I've paused. I'm considering if I want 2 or 3kg weight loss). 
I'm going to set the goal of 3kg weight loss in 30 days. 2kg is the first goal and 3kg is the 2nd goal. 
I feel indifferent about those 2 goals. 
I know that how I feel having lived 30 days this way will be the greatest win. 
What I want is to follow the 6 steps and have records of myself following the 6 steps. Not perfectly but human-ly. Using the 6 steps to guide me through the 30 days. Trusting the process. 
I want to feel fitter in 30 days too. Perhaps  should do a fitness test? 
I'll just do a scale. On a scale of 1-10 I feel about a 6.5 fit. So I'm aiming for an 8 on the scale by day 30. 

I know what I want. Now set a plan. I have no idea what I've got coming up socially this month but I'll aim for 2 feasts/exceptions a week. 
I will use the hunger scale and eat to a plus +6 max. Mainly averaging a +4. 
I'm aiming for 10k steps a day and yoga or pilates 3 times a week. 
Thought work daily and feelings work twice a day. 
Aim to eat insulin stabilising foods and steer away from sugar and starchy carbs (I am buying a break maker so this will be important to get my thoughts strong for). 
Follow my base plan with maybe a day or 2 a week of fast plan. 

Train my brain. Current thoughts: I'm going to feel amazing. I love taking care of me. This adds excitement to my life. I'll have a spring in my step in no time. I love living life this way. 90 year old me will be so thankful. 

Allow your feelings: I feel an underlying sadness this week about my mum. And that's ok. It's ok for me to feel sad and move about my week with moments of happiness and joy. Good to know what's going on in there. Right now I'm feeling calm and focussed. 

Show up to your plan: I'll be back tonight to record what I showed up to. It's only 9.41am and I have been feeling hungry since 7.30am. Pushing on til at least 10am. 

I'll copy and paste my check in from the Prima group today too:

Tuesday Check In ðŸĨģ
Feeling great.
I'm gifting myself 31 Days of Practice from today onwards (it will really be 365 days because this is how I live my life).
Plan for today:
3 coffees
2 teas
Broccoli and chicken salad for lunch
Sausages and salad for dinner
yoghurt and berries and nuts if I want.
Lot's of water
Thought work and feeling work.
Walk to get 10k steps and some yoga.
Early to be tonight as didn't sleep great last night.
Feeling intentional and supported by myself."

Lunch at 10.30am. 

A 5.15am wake up makes me hungry.

 I've had enough. Putting the rest away for later.

 Didn't feel hungry until dinner time. Even then I wasn't that hungry. 
I did have my 3rd coffee around 1pm. 
Dinner at 5.30pm.


Feeling satisfied, calm and very good. One day on plan is all it takes for me to feel amazing. 
No matter what the scales say, a day on plan has me feeling fantastic. 

Will do the Group Coaching all #2 and come back for my final feelings check in and prep for tomorrow. 

 Quick check in before bed. It's 10pm and I'm feeling tired, going to head to bed. 

Good day on plan. Ended up having the 3 coffees, 2 meals, 1 cup of tea and lots of water. 

No yoga or pilates. No walk either. Will work on my thoughts about that tomorrow. 

Reminding myself my goal is 3kg (I couldn't remember it on the group call ðŸĪĶ‍♀ïļðŸĪŠ)


Day 2 round 2. Feeling fantastic. 

I have got some bit emotions bubbling away underneath and I'm allowing them to be there. 
Tomorrow is 5 year anniversary of my mums passing. Lot's of feels and that's ok. 

When I think about all of the circumstances in my life right now I begin to feel frazzled and frantic. I feel out of my depths. 

But when I bring my focus back to myself, who I am and how I want to show up in the moment it makes be feel calm and confident. That's interesting and new awareness. 

Plan for today: 
Egg and veggie something for lunch. 
Bolognese and broccoli for dinner. 
Yoghurt and berries if I want them. 
3 coffees and 2 teas. 
Lot's of water. 
Yoga - because I want to stretch and move my body, get the energy flowing through me.
Walking - 10k steps because I want to move my body a good amount as often as I can. 

Thoughts about these 30 days of practice - I am feeling great and calm about living the next 30 days this way. I'm also feeling a little impatient to lose the 3kg I want to lose. It's so fascinating that the impatience is there. I want to lose 3kg by 31st March. Overnight I lost 600g and today I feel impatient. So interesting. 
Why am I feeling impatient? I just want it done. ha ha. But when it's done I won't 'stop' living this way so it won't really matter. 
What do I think the 3kg will create and provide to me? 
It's almost like a form of 'proof' and 'acceptance' of myself. So interesting. 
When I think "I can't wait to lose 3kg because I'll be/feel 'better'" how do I feel?
Incomplete or insufficient right now. 
When I'm feeling insufficient right now what do I do? 
Yikes it's a little embarrassing. 
I do find things I'm doing well and highlight them to my husband. 
I get annoyed at myself and try to find the best way to be a mum, wife, coach, home owner, business owner... I move into perfection aiming mode spending time planning how I will be the perfect person in each of those areas. 
Gosh that's fascinating. I never really had awareness for this until now. 
What do I not do?
I don't sit and feel my feelings. I don't go within and find all the wonderful things about me and soak up the feeling of being who I am. 
The result: It becomes exhausting and I'm left feeling emptier than I began. 

(I don't know if any of the above makes sense to you but it's my self coaching so the only person it really needs to make sense to is me. Welcome back to my interesting brain). 

So thoughts that will help me moving forward. 
Circumstance is: My goal is to lose 3kg by 31st March. I've lost 600g since yesterday. 2.4kg to go. 
Thoughts: I'm on my way. 
I feel fantastic. My plan is luxurious. Gosh I treat myself well when I practice the 6 steps. I love loving myself this way. 
Feeling: Whole. Sufficient. Human (I'm going to let myself use that as a feeling haha). 
Actions: Be intentional by setting my plan. Recognise the win in me actually knowing my goal. Recognise I'm well on my way since yesterday. Show up to my plan with calmness. Be more calm in the home. 
Result: Continue to make progress. 


Day 3:
Plan for today:
Egg and veggie something for lunch.
Bolognese and broccoli for dinner.
 Yoghurt and berries if I want them.
3 coffees and 2 teas.
Lot's of water.
Yoga - because I want to stretch and move my body, get the energy flowing through me.
Walking - 10k steps because I want to move my body a good amount as often as I can.


Day 4:

Didn't check in.


Day 5: 

I gave myself permission to not check in yesterday if I didn't get to it.
Had a good day of 2 coffees, a magnum ice cream and seafood platter for lunch with my dad and sister.
I said no to alcohol and no to all the fries on the platter.
On  the way home I thought of stopping to get some chocolate. I could sense all the heavy big emotions sitting within. I had full awareness and could see that the pattern of eating while driving home on days like yesterday were a way I've dealt with it in the past. I drove for just over an hour before I pulled over and bought 3 chocolates and an iced coffee. The iced coffee wasn't nice but I finished it.
Then the chocolates, I had the small one (little easter egg) then opened the turkish delight. I love turkish delight. I was eating it with full awareness. I could hear my brain fighting between you shouldn't eat this to just eat it. I was aware that the flavour wasn't even as amazing as I thought it was. I kept eating it with all the thoughts and sentences running through my head.
Then I caught the thought "what would make this a win? What would make this better than my old average?"
Leaving some. No finishing it. Even just a small tiny bite would make this better than average.
So I left a tiny bit. I got the packet and I put that tiny bit back. It dropped on my lap and I thought "gosh it's easier to just eat this than put it away" but I continued and put it away.
So when I reflect right now, wow. I stopped eating an emotional chocolate. I didn't finish it. I stopped and put it away. AND I didn't eat the 3rd chocolate.
I'm counting that as a win.
Plus, in the past I might have bought chips with the chocolate.
Dinner I asked myself if I'm really hungry and I wasn't. I wasn't hungry at all.
I had a little 20 minute nap before dinner because I was wiped out emotionally. Absolutely exhausted.
Then I sat at the dinner table while the family ate.
I kept thinking about having a g&T or wine because "mum would have loved that" ha ha cheeky brain.
I offered my husband a wine and he said yes.
But then I never served it. I decided to see how I felt when the kids when to bed. I kept checking in with my body and it just didn't want anything but rest.
I went to bed around 9.15pm when my husband said he was heading to bed. I caught myself really wanting to buffer by scrolling on my phone. It was like I was searching for something. I think I was just avoiding feeling sad and seeking some new information that really excites me.
Anyway, I got a good 9 hours sleep and feel average today which is good.
Weight is down to the lowest it's been in a year.
Plan for today:
3 coffees
2 teas
Lunch out with Friend - I'll choose the best meal for me. No starchy carbs and no sugar.
Dinner - Bolognese and broccoli.
Yoghurt and berries if I want.
Breath as much as I can today deeply.
Walk 10k steps.
Love myself and care for myself. This is how I want to treat myself. This is how I love myself. I hold myself in a hug today and support myself.
Happy Friday beautiful Primas.



Saturday Check in.
I feel like I'm dropping the ball supporting all other Primas who check in. Interesting for me to notice that.
 Feeling good, got a lot to do around the house today (building sheds and moving kids into their own bedrooms) but no pressure getting it all done.
Yesterday I stuck to my plan with one additional glass of organic red wine. Did well to just have 1 glass.
Weight down 100g.
Today's plan: its interesting because if I'd set this plan last night I think my decisions would have been easier, but this morning it's like my toddler brain is awake and shouting stuff at me as I think about the plan.
What I want to do today, how I want to live is:
Lunch Protein and salad. If I have fresh sourdough bread in the kitchen then I'll have a slice.
Dinner: Protein and veg.
Yoghurt and berries and nuts if I want.
1 glass of wine OR 1 beer.
My weight is down and I want to get it down a further 2kg by end of March but I want to do it in the way I want to live. And a beer on a Saturday in summer is exactly how I want to live ðŸ˜„.
Feeling calm and confident, energised and ready to shine today.


Checking in consistently inconsistent. That's ok. No point in having hard words with myself.
I ended up at my in-laws Saturday night so had whatever I wanted as long as I didn't overeat. I ate to about a +8 because OMG it was all so delicious but I felt a little uncomfortable afterwards.
Sunday morning I caught myself thinking of not weighing but decided to. Once I had the data I thought "good to know" and moved on.
Sunday was a couple of spelt pancakes in the morning around 10am then lunch out for my nephews 21st. At to about a +5 on the hunger scale. Had a cuppa and 2 thin almond biscuits at my in-laws in the afternoon then that was it. Wasn't hungry for dinner so didn't have any. Oh, Hubby and I did have a glass of wine at the dinner table while the kids ate.
Now onto today and this week.
I caught myself feeling antsy this morning. Very jittery.
Once I had the feeling I leant into it, allowed it and breathed. I realised the feeling was coming from the thoughts "Monday morning, I've got so much I want to achieve this week".
I've done a thought download and listed my priorities.
Interestingly my brain was telling me to master gluten free and dairy free cooking this week for my son. ha ha. Like "collect all the best recipes, do the shopping and serve up the most amazing food for the family and all your problems will vanish" ha ha ha. Thanks brain.
So I'm now thinking - just keep the standard usual meals and do a couple of swaps for him. Keep it simple. There's plenty of time to try new things.
It's so interesting as that's such old 'new diet excitement' mentality that I've practiced so often in the past. I haven't had that since my Last Start. It's such a fun feeling but not helpful.
Honestly, when I set an amazing plan and show up to it I can create that feeling for myself so that's what I'm going to do this week.
Plan for today:
3 coffees.
2 teas.
Zucchini and eggs for lunch with 1 slice of fresh sourdough spelt bread (because I want to be realistic).
Sushi for dinner (no rice).
Yoghurt and blueberries + nuts if I want.
So interesting that I rarely think of chocolate these days. SO fascinating because it was as loved by me as my coffee is.
Yoga or Pilates today and a walk.
Cheers to an amazing day Primas and a great week ahead.

50% Complete

Two Step

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