Tribe News - 24th April 23


Happy Monday beautiful Tribies,

And a very special and warm welcome to our new tribies who have joined us after the Fast 5 Challenge. I'm really looking forward to support and guide you on your journey step by step. 

Today we kick off our new program which is broken down into 90 Day Seasons and 30 Days at a time. 

This new program is designed to guide you step by step along your journey. 

These first 30 Days will be all about the Basics. 

The first training I want you to watch (if you haven't already) is our Creating Calm and Freedom Around Food Masterclass - Click here to watch it

This Masterclass shows you the underlying causes of being overweight, over-desire and overeating. 
When we reduce these we lose weight. 

Second, watch this short training on The Hunger Scale and The Core 4.

To guarantee your progress your priorities (Bricks) are:

1) Set your plan daily (write/type it out)
2) Track/record what you actually do (eat/movement/drink)
3) Practice using the Hunger Scale (even if you are counting calories). 

This first month is about building awareness. Seeing what actually is. You might feel like you're slowing down and you probably are. We're slowing down (to do just a few very impactful things - the basics) to speed up. 

If you feel resistance in the slow or have thoughts about 'wasting time', come to group coaching and get coached. 

Throughout the 30 Days I want you to collect the thoughts, resistance and obstacles you notice and bring them to coaching. 

That's all I'm going to share with you today. I do not want to give you 101 things to do to make you feel productive. 

Nope, just the above please. Restrain yourself. 

You will find all the 30 Days content here in the Courses and Masterclasses section including the 30 Days Planner.

My focus for these 30 Days is to help you take YOUR next step.
Make sure you know what that step is. 
Come get coached when you feel like you're stuck or if you want to be boosted. 


 For new Tribies, I recommend a trip over to our Hall of Shine where you'll find wonderful interviews with Tribies capturing them shining bright. 

I want to encourage Tribies to nominate yourself for a Shine Bright interview with me. I think it's such a big step to take that action and a wonderful message you send to yourself. Just email me at [email protected] and nominate yourself. I will cry such happy tears when I see your self nominations.


What's On:

To find out what's on and see the times in your local time zone check the 'whats on' section of our Backstage area here:


That's it my friends, I really want to restrain, slow down to speed up progress for each of you. 

Let's do this!


50% Complete

Two Step

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