Tribies, Tribies, Tribies Whoop Whoop Whoop.
What a week it's been inside our magnificent Tribie world.
We're heading into Week #2 of the 60 Day Challenge and I've got a very important lesson lined up for you. A lesson I wish someone had taught me on my Path to Prima.
Find the full lesson (It's about 15 minutes long) and the workbook by clicking here.
This week's Tribie Spotlight is the incredible Pat Beverly. Read more about Pat and her journey here.
This week we'll be setting up buddies for anyone who wants one. Keep an eye out (around Tuesday) for this picture being posted in the Facebook and Backstage Communities.
If you're not where you want to be please read on.
First of all I want to hug you and tell you you're ok. You're enough. You are loved and you are acceptable here, just as you are right now. Sit with that for a minute and try your best to believe it.
Second, I want you to know that it's not too late. You haven't missed anything and you're not behind in the Tribe. Any day, any time, you can start or get back up. Our Tribe is THE MOST wonderful, loving and accepting Tribe.
So forget about what "everyone will think" or even what "Lindell with think", practice dropping the self judgement and just decide that you'll make today better than yesterday while you set yourself up for a plan.
Reach out in the Community if you need help, if you don't know where to start or you just want to feel supported.
I'm here for you.
We're here for you.
Lindell xo
50% Complete
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