A note from Lindell - 9th January 2022

Can you feel that Tribies? 


Can you feel the BUZZ in the air?


The Tribe is full of energy and so many of you are off on your way towards your 2022 Goals!!!!!

My year started isolated in my bedroom with covid. 

Fast forward 9 days and I'm living my best life with you all. 

Our Fast 5 Challenge was SO MUCH fun. I saw so many of you shining so bright.

We have newbies who have joined us this week too, welcome welcome welcome. 


We will continue the energy of the Fast 5 Challenge with a 60 Day Challenge. 
(we had planned 28 days but I took a vote at the last Coaching Call and 60 days won. If you really only wanted to do 28 days just join us for the first half, although, by the time you get there you will be feeling so dang good I bet you won't want to stop). 


For all the details on the 60 Day Challenge go here: https://www.fastmamatribe.com/products/masterclasses-mini-courses/categories/2149531735/posts/2154802853


Tribies old and new, let's continue with our awesome 2022. 

I love you all and am excited to witness you shine bright this year. 

Lindell xo


50% Complete

Two Step

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