Tribie Spotlight - 2021 Results
Yesterday I asked in the Fast Mama Tribe Facebook Group for you to share the results you've achieved in 2021.
i want to highlight these results and celebrate them here to remind you that it's about SO MUCH MORE than just weight loss.
Lindell Pereira
In 2021 I let go of "my weight = my worth" and decided (and believe) I am worthy and lovable and amazing at any weight. This actually made weight management much easier for me.
I learnt to allow my emotions (still learning but made incredible progress) and am excited for the emotional maturity I'll bring to 2022.
I was so much kinder to myself in 2021 and continue to practice kindness and self care.
I ask myself "what do I want" more and say yes a whole lot less.
I've taken more guilt free time for myself (beach, walks, naps)
And I've allowed myself to accept help
There's many specific actions and results that I celebrate too but these points above are the highlights of growth to me from my 2021.
Joanne Heeps
Going the distance in 2021. When I felt lost and confused I dug deep and I’m still here!!!
I learnt more about my mind, my habits and my actions!!!
I can now lift heaviest weights ever in my gym sessions .
Leanne Turco
Managed to keep off what I had lost. Realised that I can keep going to get to what I want
Osyth Sanders
2021 has been a big year for me.. biggest result is probably better self knowledge which has led to lots of positives including a new career path more suited to me, and daily results like taking better care of my needs and in turn being able to be there more for the people in my life as my cup is fuller.
Amanda Buckingham
Big win here is that no matter how far off the path I’ve fallen I always get back up, dust myself off and end up just where I need to be. I have also learnt to put myself first more often.
Sally Baddock
Happy New Year
Lindell (so glad you’re feeling better) and all you lovely tribies.
My wins in 2021 were to reach a goal I never dreamt possible. To realise I’m someone who can achieve her goals.
My self acceptance and self love has improved so much.
I learnt that if I try to please everyone I lose myself. I also say no a lot more now too.
And to acknowledge that I’m still and always will be learning. And that’s exciting.
This is who I am now.
And I love walking side by side with you all x
Barbara McMullan
Happy New Year
Lindell Pereira . Glad that you're recovering well. Looking forward to another year together with you and the Tribies.
Best wins of 2021:
* I'm still here
* Determined not to give up.
*I've learned a lot about myself
*Beginning to believe that I CAN do this
Michelle Essex
Tough year for me mentally and emotionally but I didn’t give up I stayed here when I thought a few times what’s the point and I’m more determined than ever to reach prima…x
Lucy Knowles
My biggest goal is finding an inner strength that I didn’t know I had, turning my heart and mindset completely around to believe in me and that I can do so much more than I ever realised. I truly believe in myself and that I can get through what life throws at me, if I only remember to look after myself as well as everyone else because I am worth giving time to
Lee Lee
I set out to make 2921 the year of putting myself first, and Focussing in fitness goals rather than weight.
I managed to string 100 consecutive days of yoga together - well that was my goal - I did 142.
I completed a half marathon walk in May. I’d trained for months in advance and it felt really good to achieve that one.
I did C25K successfully- never in my life have I run 5ks, or even 1k and I did it - sadly I injured my Achilles in the process and now I can’t run at all which is such a shame as I was so enjoying it!
What I learned though is that these goals are just goals and not lifestyle choices. I reach them, tick the box and stop. There’s some more discovery I need to make there. That’s something for 2022.
I learned that I need structure (or thrive more when it’s there). When I don’t weigh, meal plan and check in I lose focus and as a result I’ve not prioritised my goals around eating and the weight is creeping back up. Lockdowns and working from home have not helped with this overall looseness of structure. Some minor health issues mid year also just gave me an excuse to indulge my urges.
2022 is going to be a continuation of living my best life - applying what I’ve learnt works for me and getting back up when I fall. My whys are still relevant and compelling - I just hadn’t been checking in with myself often enough to stay connected to them.
Sue Taylor
Happy New Year everyone!
I have learnt many lessons last year, and know there are many more to learn with the help of the Tribe!
I am pleased that I have not given up and have become more reflective. I am noticing feeling full signals and am beginning to make the better choice.
Like so many before me, I believe that I can do this!
Grace Rutledge
Happy New Year Lindell and tribies! So glad you’re feeling on the mend Lindell.
2021 has been a year of learning for me.
Learning to trust my instincts and realizing the power of positive self love and being kind to myself.
I have learned to recognize ‘feelings’ as they are occurring and how to better manage them.
Looking forward to setting goals (also learned that I can achieve my goals!) and a great 2022.
Thank you Lindell and all tribies for your transparency and sharing!!!
Evelyne Koene
My biggest win is that no matter how far I have hidden mij backpack at some point I picked it up and came back to the program and the tribe. And I did a lot of lessons an watched coachingssessions.
Karen Watling
Happy New Year Lovelies. 2021 saw me lose wt, gain it back then lose it again . Biggest win, I am still here practicing my last start
and feeling like I can still go on. I have learnt a lot. I can see 2022 more clearly now, 365 days of practicing being a better version of me, feeling Tribie love
and giving Tribies love
. Thank you Lindell, I am excited
let’s have more fun
Christine Titmuss
Hi Lindell I’m so glad you’re feeling better.
My 2021 was a good year weight wise having started with a fast 5 day challenge. I have managed to keep the 2 stones off that I lost having started in July 2020 and reaching my Prima 1 in October 2020 then Prima 2 in April 2021. I’ve had a few ups and downs but with the support from you and everyone in the tribe especially the wonderful primas I am starting 2022 below my Prima 1 with a goal of getting back to Prima 2 which is definitely doable in the 5 day challenge.
What absolutely incredible results you ladies have created for yourselves.
If you haven't paused to reflect on this past years results please spend a minute doing so. And if you can't find at least 3 results you've created for yourself please come get coached and I'll help you find them π