
I'd love to hear from you 💛


The Fast Mama Tribe has just turned 4! 

I can't believe it. 

Over the past 4 years there have been many lessons learnt and taught, pounds lost, ah ha moments and personal growth achieved. 

Who I was when I started the Fast Mama Tribe 4 years ago and who I am today are 2 very different versions of me.

I really can't believe the personal growth I've achieved over that time and all because of the desire and decision I made on 13th January 2019 to lose weight.

As I have evolved, grown and progressed so has the Fast Mama Program and all the beautiful individuals within it. 

I've been reflecting on the past 4 years and spending time considering plans for the next 4 years ahead (and beyond).

And I want to include you in the planning too. 

My goal for the Fast Mama Program is to help women who have experienced struggles and challenges with weight loss, create calm and freedom in their lives around weight and food. To help them achieve weight loss in a way that they can live and maintain with ease and to learn how to support themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. 

I'd love to hear from you as to what you want for yourself, and how you think the Fast Mama Program can best support and serve you.

I'd also love your input on our name 'Fast Mama Tribe'. 

If you would like to participate in having your say please complete this questionnaire. 

Short or lengthy, every individuals voice and opinion is important to me. 

No pressure though. 

Thanks so much. 
Lindell xo

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 8

Why did you join the Fast Mama Tribe?

Question 2 of 8

What have you achieved since joining the Fast Mama Tribe?

Question 3 of 8

What do you hope to achieve by being in the Fast Mama Tribe?

Question 4 of 8

What part of the Fast Mama Program helps you create the greatest success?

Question 5 of 8

Is there anything you'd like to see more of in the Fast Mama Program? 

Do you have any ideas you'd like to share that you think would make it even greater?

Question 6 of 8

I want to consider changing 'Fast Mama' (this has been a thought of mine for some time now and I received some feedback recently that it doesn't feel aligned to the program). 

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this. 

What do you think of the name Fast Mama? (honestly there's no offence taken in any feedback I receive). 

Do you have any other suggestions? 

Here's some thoughts of mine:
Light Up 
Lighten Up
Live and shine 
(adding either 'Program' or 'Weight Loss Program' to the end of each other those)

Question 7 of 8

'Tribe' and 'Tribie'.

I want to return the term 'Tribe' to indigenous communities and find a new term for us. 

I used to use the term 'Tribie' a lot but of late have been using 'friends'. 

Do you have any suggestions for a name for our community members to replace 'Tribies'?

This term could come from the program name. 


Eg; Shine Weight Loss Program = Members could be called Shiners

Question 8 of 8

Anything else you'd like to share that you haven't already?

Confirm and Submit